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高三英语词汇专项复习题 一. W_____(星期三) is the fourth day of the week. I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his a_______(地址). In that shop are sold clothes in d______(不同的)sizes, colours and styles. He made a few mistakes in g_______(语法) in his composition. What are you q______(争吵) about with each other. In summer, a sudden change in t_____(温度) could bring rain. A lot of Chinese r______(饭店) sprung up abroad because more and more foreigners have come to love Chinese food. Most shops are open every day Sunday I_____(包括). The s_____(灿烂的) jewels are glowing in the shop window. You must pay more attention to your p______(发音), otherwise you’ll make yourself misunderstood when you speak English. 二. I didn’t r________(认出)him until he took off his dark glasses. My parents went out last night and I stayed at home a________(独自一人). he drives much f_______(快)than he did three years ago. It is important to understand and r______(尊敬) each other among different nations. Congratulations on your p______(通过)the college entrance exams. The story happened in a m_______(山)village. John kept quiet about the a______(事故)so as to not to be fired by the boss. The train started g______(起动) when I got to the station.. With the rapid d______(发展)of foreign trade, more people are learning foreign languages. I think reading English newspaper is a good way of I______(改进)your English. 三. The milkman leaves us a big b______(瓶)of milk. The p______(答应)that the roof should be repaired within two days. Anybody can see the i______(重要性)of good health. You can’t p______(可能地)run a mile in two minutes. The gold ring is kept in a s______(秘密的)hiding place, known only to her husband. There was only a large apple h______(收成)this year. You can get a doctor here to o______(做手术)on her. Have you been taking much m______(药). There are many words that have more than one p______(发音). The job demands someone with a college e______(教育). 四. Is the Spring Festival in F______(二月). Usually children are c______(好奇的)about everythi


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