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mild温和的,轻微的,味淡的,不含有害物质的的Mild is used to describe something such as a feeling, attitude, or illness that is not very strong or severe. 轻微的militant好战的,富于战斗性的 n.斗士-antmilitary军事的,军用的,军队的Marine 海军 milln.磨粉机,磨坊;作坊,工厂miller 米勒 millionairen.百万富翁million + airemineraln.矿物,矿石 a.矿物的,矿质的mineminglev.(使)混合mixIf things such as sounds, smells, or feelings mingle, they become mixed together but are usually still recognizable. 混合miniaturen.缩小的模型,缩图 a.微型的,缩小的minimum 最小的Miniature is used to describe something that is very small, especially a smaller version of something which is normally much bigger. 微型的ministern.部长,大臣financial ministerministryn.(政府的)部;牧师minor较小的,较小的 n.兼修学科 v.(in)兼修Mirror 镜子You use minor when you want to describe something that is less important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation. 次要的minorityn.少数,少数派,少数民族ethnic minority minus负的,减的 prep.减去 n.负号,减号Plusmiraclen.奇迹,令人惊奇的人(或事)it is a miracle mischiefn.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,胡闹;灾祸Mischief is playing harmless tricks on people or doing things you are not supposed to do. It can also refer to the desire to do this. 恶作剧; 捣乱miserable痛苦的,悲惨的Painfulmiseryn.痛苦,悲惨,不幸missilen.导弹,发射物guided missile 巡航导弹missionary教会的,传教(士)的 n.传教士Mission arymistn.薄雾,霭foggymistressn.女主人;主妇;情妇,情人hostmobn.乌合之众(尤指暴力者) vi.围攻,聚众闹事mobilizev.(mobilise)动员,赋予可动性mobile 移动 china mobilemockv.嘲笑 a.假的,模拟的 n.(常pl.)模拟考试If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour. 嘲笑; (为了取笑) 模仿moderate有节制的,中等的,适度的,温和的,稳健的Modest 谦虚的modifyv.更改,修改,修饰modificationmodulen.组件,模块,模件;(航天器的)舱A module is a part of a machine, especially a computer, which performs a particular function. (尤指计算机的) 组件moist潮湿的,湿润的,多雨的Humid 潮湿的moisturen.潮湿,湿气,湿度moleculen.分子原子atommomentumn.动力,要素If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop. 势头monarchn.帝王,君主,最高统治者The monarch of a country is the king,


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