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12.4纳米技术这个名词大家也许听起来并不陌生,它已经成为高科技领域的一个热名词。但它究竟是什么,对我们的生活有什么影响,恐怕很多人一时还是答不上来。实际上,纳米技术已经成为很多人日常生活中的一部分,它的应用前景更是无限广阔的。 The term, nanotechnology, may not sound unfamiliar anymore. It has become a buzzword within the hi-tech community, but when asked what’s it about and its impact on our life, I’m afraid many people are not able to answer right away. As a matter of fact, it’s already a part of daily life for many. The promise of nanotechnology is almost unlimited. 有些人也许认为纳米技术都是未来的事情,其实不然。在美国,纳米裤子已经在市场上出售了。它摸上去就像普通棉布裤子一样,但是里面有个薄薄的纳米层,它能防止液体弄湿或弄脏裤子。所以,如果你把饮料弄洒了,就会出现这样的情况,它只是往下流,裤子甚至都不会湿。 Some may think nanotechnology is all in the future; however, that’s not the cause. In the United States, nano trousers are already on sale. They feel like ordinary cotton trousers but there’s a thin nano layer, which resists spills and stains. So, if you spill your drink, it just runs off. The trousers don’t even get damp. 纳米裤子只是这种技术的一个应用实例。纳米技术几乎可以用来生产你想要的任何东西。 Nano trousers are just one application of the techonology. Nano can be used to produce almost anything you want. 纳米技术是一种研究细小物质的科学。但是,多小才算小呢?想象一下,我缩小了1000倍,我将和一只苍蝇的眼睛一样大,但是纳米甚至比它还要小。事实上,要比它小很多很多。再想象我缩小了,这次是缩小一万倍。我将像一种病毒那么大,但是纳米甚至比它还要小。你必须把我在缩小100倍,才能达到我的纳米尺寸,比真正的我小10亿倍 Nanotechonology is the science of the very small. But how small is small? Well, imagine I was shrunk to a size 1,000 times smaller. I’d be about as big as the eye of a fly, but nano is even smaller than that. In fact, much, much smaller. Imagine I was shrunk again, this time by 10,000 times. I’d be about as big as a virus, but nano is even smaller than that. You’d have to shrink me another 100 times to get the nano version of me, a billion times smaller than the real me. 业界已经在制造纳米装置了。在剑桥,他们正在制造非常非常薄的塑料纳米层,当电流从中穿过时,它能够发光。这种技术很快将会应用于市场,移动电话上将会有非常明亮而且节能的显示屏。 Industry is already building devices on that scale. In Cambridge, they’re making very thin nano layers of a plastic that emit light when an electric current runs through it. The techonology will soon be on the market


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