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吉林华桥外国语学院研究生 翻 译 报 告 (文学翻译2012秋季) 姓 名:XXX 学 号:XXX 方 向:笔译(英语) 任课教师:黄际英 二〇一二年十二月 The Application of Free Translation in the Translation of Dawn “意译法”在《拂晓》翻译实践中的应用 姓 名: XXX Abstract This thesis is a translation project. Dawn is an inspirational short novel in America. The author explores the most crucial element in our lives, and shows his attitude for life. In the first chapter, the author expresses his opinion about marriage through the conversation of a couple. There is also complicate emotion with a quirky twist due to the pass of wife and the birth of dawn in the first chapter. The language of the first chapter is simple but powerful, including lots of philosophical views and implied meanings. The translation of Dawn is meaningful both in education and in language study. There are great differences in sentence patterns, expressions, and in thinking mode between English and Chinese, which leads to in-equivalence in translation. Literal translation sometimes can causes mechanical translation and mistranslation. To solve this problem, this essay mainly talks about in which three circumstances a translator should adopt free translation in the translation project of Dawn, giving a general idea to readers when to adopt free translation. (a) When literal translation is difficult to be understood. (b) When literal translation is unable to express implied meaning of the original. (c) When the source language comes down to religion cultures. In this three circumstances, the application of free translation make readers get a comprehension understanding of original novel, which is difficult for readers to reach with literal translation. Key Words: Dawn; Translation project; free translation; literal translation 摘 要 本文是一篇基于《拂晓》翻译实践的翻译报告。《拂晓》是一部美国励志短篇小说。该小说深入探讨了作者对事物的不同看法,表明了作者对生命的态度和立场。小说的第一章以一对夫妻的对话引出作者对婚姻深刻的认识以及妻子的离世和她女儿黎明的出生,情感跌宕起伏,悲喜交加。本篇小说第一节语言简洁而有力,包含深刻的含义和哲理。翻译该小说无论是从教育意义


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