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中国首富缘何成功 How Chinas Richest Man Succeeds Outside of Internet success stories such as Alibaba’s Jack Ma or Baidu’s Robin Li, China has few if any widely internationally known business leaders. Dalian Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin is relatively unknown even though Forbes estimated last month that he had surpassed beverage tycoon Zong Qinghou to become the country抯 richest man with a fortune worth $14 billion. I exchanged this week with Ming-Jer Chen, a management and China expert at the University of Virginia, about what抯 behind Wang抯 business success. Excerpts follow. 除了成功创业的互联网企业家,比如阿里巴巴的马云和百度的李彦宏,中国在其他领域很少出现国际知名的商业领袖。连大连万达集团董事长王健林也相对不为人知。《福布斯》上个月预计,王健林已经超越了中国饮料界的大亨宗庆后,以140亿美元的个人资产成为了新的中国首富。本周我与美国弗吉尼亚大学的管理学知名学者、研究中国问题的专家陈明哲就王健林为何能取得商业成功交流了看法。以下是节选的采访内容。 Q. Chairman Wang has built up one of the world’s largest real estate businesses, becoming China’s wealthiest businessman. What accounts for his success? 问:王健林董事长已经建立起了全球最大的房地产企业,而他个人成为了中国的商界首富,他的成功归功于哪些方面? A. To reach the global scale that Wanda has achieved requires, at the highest level, a combination of culture, strategy, and execution over a sustainable period of time. It took Wang Jianlin took him two decades to build the company into a global enterprise. 答:为了达到万达集团如今的这种全球规模,这要求在文化、战略和执行方面达到最高的综合水平并持续一段时间。王健林花了20年将这家公司打造为一家全球企业。 From a cultural point of view, he has the right values and long-term vision to attract the right team for sustainable success. Wanda抯 corporate culture has three key components: a comprehensive organizational structure that allows it to scale up globally; in-depth corporate cultural content; and very rich corporate cultural activities. Its corporate slogan is 揑nternational Wanda, Century Enterprise.?Its core value emphasizes 搒ociety value?over 揺nterprise value?or personal value. 从文化的角度看,他具有正确的价值观与长期的愿景,能吸引可以取得持久成功的合适团队。万达的企业文化有三个关键部分:一个全面的组织架构,能使公司在全球范围扩大规模;深厚的企业文化内涵;极为丰富的企业文化活动。万达的企业口号是“国际万达,百年企业”。它的核心价值强调“社会价值”,认为这种价值更胜于“企业价值”和个人价值。 In other words, Mr. Wang rooted the com



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