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从这里走向恒纯 关于恒纯 About HengChun 便捷,因为专注 Convenient, because of absorbed 河南恒纯农业科技有限公司成立于2012年,自主拥有专业的研发设计团队、生产线、运营管理团队和市场团队,致力于高智能化嵌入式设备、片上系统以及商用自动化设备的开发与应用。 Henan HengChun Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012, has a professional R D and design team , production line , marketing and management team, committed to the development and application of intelligent system of embedded devices, tablets and commercial automation equipment. 自2012年起,恒纯主创团队只专注于鲜榨橙汁单一领域的研发设计和生产,始终把产品质量和用户体验放在首位。经过多年的持续巩固和优化,历经长期的市场检验,恒纯鲜榨橙汁自助销售终端确立了其智能化程度和稳定性全球最高的地位,更为广大消费者带来了独一无二的消费体验。 Since 2012, Hengchun’s creative team focus only on the single field of R D and productionthe of fresh Orange Juice , always put the products quality and user experience in the first place. After years of continued consolidation and optimization, after market testing for a long time, Hengchun fresh Orange Juice self-service terminal established the intelligent level and stability of the worlds highest position, and also brought the only consumption experience for the vast number of consumers. 健康,因为用心 Health, because of care 恒纯鲜榨橙汁的原料鲜橙均来自精选果园,不打蜡、不染色,不进行任何化学处理,以最天然的形态和口感呈现给每一位崇尚健康、热爱生活的消费者。 The raw materials of Hengchun fresh Orange Juice are selected from Orange Juice orchard, not waxing, non staining, without any chemical treatment, to present every consumer who advocate health and love life in the most natural form and taste. 恒纯坚持从果园直通销售终端的全新共赢模式,通过缩短供应链的中间环节,不仅保障橙汁的极限新鲜、降低了零售价格,也有效地提高果农收入;通过与果农的直接沟通,将最真实的市场信息迅速传达给果农,持续提高果农的种植效率;通过切实保障全产业链各环节的收益,从根源处保障了恒纯橙果物料的品质。恒纯物联网系统是国内乃至全球最为先进、完善和便捷的鲜果物料系统! Hengchun insists on the direct new win-win model from the orchard to sales terminal , through shortening the intermediate links of supply chain, not only to protect the fresh Orange Juice limit, reduce the retail price, but also effectively increase the income of farmers; through direct communication with farmers,we communicated the real market information quickly to the growers, continued to improve farm


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