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电大会计学学位英语复习资料—语法、翻译 一、语法题 1. It was not very _wise_ of you to sell the house. The price is increasing增长中 everyday. A. clear [kli?]清楚 空地 清空 B. friendly [?frendli]有好的 C. wise [waiz]聪明的智慧的 D. kind [kaind]种类 本质 亲切的 2.None of them spoke English __except_____ Sam. A. except [ik?sept]除了 B. exception [ik?sep??n]例外 C. except for除 ... 之外, 要不是由于 D. except of 3.It was difficult to guess what her _reaction to the news would be. reaction to 对 ... 的反应 A. comment [?k?ment]评论 意见 B. impression [im?pre??n]印象 感觉 印刷 C. opinion [??pinj?n]意见看法主张 D. reaction [ri??k??n] 反应,反作用 4.Mr. Wang is an engineer [?end?i?ni?]工程师 ___with profession[pr??fe??n]职业 声明 行业 A. at B. on C. by D. with 5. The boy __came at_ the dog with a thick [θik] stick [stik]粗手杖 but the dog did not yield [ji:ld]屈服 A. came [keim] with始于 B. won over赢得了 在…上超越 C. won [w?n] at 赢了 D. came at达到(袭击 弄清) 6.They were so far away遥远 that I couldnt _make out their faces[feis]面部表情clearly [?kli?li]清楚. A. make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑 B. make at袭击, 扑向 C. make out辨认出 结论 辨别 理解 D. see through[θru:]看透 识破 7.I didnt know what to do, but then an idea [ai?di?] suddenly[?s?dnli]突然 __emerged to me. A. happened [?h?p?ned]发生,碰巧 B. occurred [?k?:d]发生的 C. emerged[i?m?:d?]浮现发生显露 D. appeared[??pi?]出现,出席,发表 8.Send us a message [?mesid?] if you _have_ any difficulty [?difik?lti]困难 费劲 争议 麻烦. A. had B. will have C. have had D. have 9.The race [reis]赛跑 was so close[kl?uz]紧凑 that everyone was _holding his breath at the finish. A. working out规划(制作 计算) B. winning over赢得 C. thinking of考虑 D. holding his breath [breθ]屏气凝神 10.He is given [?giv(?)n] answers that only _come with his confusion[k?n?fju:??n]困惑 混淆. A. come with伴随。。。发生产生 B. add [?d] with C. come up出现 发生 √D. add to加增加 11.Inquiries[in?kwai?ri]询问调查 _ concerning_ the condition [k?n?di??n]情形状况of the patients [pei


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