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填空题常考结构 一、主句单一原则 任何一个句子中只可能有一个主句。 做题时考生需要首先判断原题中已经给出的句子结构,如果已经有一个主句,那么就绝对不能够再出现另一个主句,除非中间有连接词进行联系。 例1:--, work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.    (A) They occur where they are   (B) Occuring where    (C) Where they occur   (D) Where do they occur 分析:空格后面是一个主句,(A)为带有从句的主句,空格后又是主句,有两个主句一定错。 C为地点状语从句,正确(劳动歌曲发生的地方)。 例2: --Indiana, is in a rich farming and dairy area, it is primarily a diversified industrial center   (A) Fort Wayne  (B) Although Fort Wayne  (C) For wayne is in  (D) Fort Wayne, in 分析:空格后有两个谓语动词但中间没有连接词,由此可知,最后一句话是一个主句,空格处应该有从句引导词,四个选项中只有(B)中although能引导从句,故选(B)。 二、谓语动词专一原则 任何一个句子只可能存在一个谓语动词。 句子中不可能没有谓语动词,也不能多于一个谓语动词(除非中间存在连接词)。 例1:William Walkers mural, “Wall of Respect,”    -----an outdoor wall in Chicago, deals with    social issues.     (A) covers     (B) covers it     (C) which covers    (D) which it covers 分析:空格后的deals with 是谓语动词,A, B是谓语形式, 和deals with 之间没有连接词,可先排除; D 中的it多余,因为在定语从句中which已经作了主语;C构成正确的定语从句 例2:In copper engravings and etchings, -----caused    by the edges of the plate is clearly visible on    the paper.    (A) the impression is  (B) if the impression is   (C) impressions  (D) the impression 分析:题目中的is是谓语,A,B中是谓语重复。C为复数名词,与后面的谓语动词is的数不一致,故也排除。因此选择D,caused.... 修饰impression 三、平行结构 技巧:如果填空题中空格的后面有and, 或者and后面有空格,那么这道题目一定是考察平行结构。填空题中平行结构出现的形式是:A and B, A , B, and C 例1:The technique of recording, classifying, and--   is known as accounting.    (A) an enterprises transactions summary    (B) the summarizing of an enterprises transactions    (C) transactions of an enterprise are summarized   (D) summarizing the transactions of an enterprise 分析:空格的后面是and, 一般考平行结构,空格处缺与前面recording、classifying并列的动名词。    四个选项中只有(D)符合条件,故选(D)。 例2:Louis T. Wright, a surgeon, developed    ingenious orthopedic braces, --, and    supervised the first use of Aureomycin on    human patients.     (A) treating skull fractures that he pioneered in     (B) pioneered in treating skull fractures     (C) which pioneered


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