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前言Foreword 人类社会进入经济稳步发展期 The human society enters the period of stable economic development. 前言Foreword 核电的优势The Advantages of Nuclear Power 前言Foreword 国际原子能机构保守预测 The Conservative Forecast of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ? 国内形势Domestic Situation 我国电力装机比例(2006年)Proportion of Installed Power Capacity in China (2006) 国内形势 Domestic Situation 2、核电对国内行业的带动效应 The Driving Effects of Nuclear Power on Domestic Industries 国内形势Domestic Situation 中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC 中广核集团是以核电为主业的清洁能源集团。 China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is a clean energy group with nuclear power as its main business. 中广核工程有限公司作为国内首家专业化核电工程建设和管理公司目前承担了中广核集团全部项目的工程建设。 As the first specialized nuclear power engineering construction and management company in the country, CNPEC now undertakes the engineering construction of all the projects of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group. 国家“积极推进核电建设”的方针为核电工程建设带来了前所未有的发展机遇,为工程公司的发展提供了广阔的空间。根据世界核协会公布的数据,中广核集团已经成为全球开工机组和容量的第一位。 The policy of the state to actively promote nuclear construction brings unprecedented development opportunities for nuclear power engineering construction, and provides broad space for the development of CNPEC. According to the data announced by World Nuclear Association, China Guangdong Nuclear Group has ranked first in the world in capacity and in units that have started construction. 中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC 按目前的核电发展速度,预计在未来的几年中,中广核工程公司每年新开工3~5台机组。 According to the development speed of nuclear power now, it is predicted that in the next few years, CNPEC will start the construction of 3 to 5 units every year. 中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC 中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy 中广核工程有限公司在引进、消化和吸收法国电力公司(EDF)30年成熟的核电设备监造技术和体系的基础上,通过大亚湾、岭澳一期、岭澳二期的监造实践,实现了设备监理能力的高起点起步。 On the foundation of introducing, digesting and absorbing 30 years’ mature technologies and systems of nuclear power plant supervision of EDF, through the manufacture supervision practices o


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