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Physicists model proposes evolutionary role for cancer Stressed cells could become cancerous as a safe mode, pointing to oxygen and immunotherapy are the best ways to beat the disease. Zeeya Merali 02 October 2014 Article tools Rights Permissions An article by Scientific American. US National Cancer Institute Could cancer be our cells’ way of running in ‘safe mode’, like a damaged computer operating system trying to preserve itself, when faced with an external threat? That’s the conclusion reached by cosmologist Paul Davies at Arizona State University in Tempe and his colleagues, who have devised a controversial new theory for cancer’s origins, based on its evolutionary roots. If correct, their model suggests that a number of alternative therapies, including treatment with oxygen and infection with viral or bacterial agents, could be particularly effective. At first glance, Davies, who is trained in physics rather than biomedical science, seems an unlikely soldier in the ‘war on cancer’. But about seven years ago he was invited to set up a new institute at Arizona State — one of 12 funded by the US National Cancer Institute — to bring together physical scientists and oncologists to find a new perspective on the disease. “We were asked to rethink cancer from the bottom up,” Davies says. Davies teamed up with Charley Lineweaver, an astrobiologist at The Australian National University in Canberra, and Mark Vincent, an oncologist at the London Health Sciences Center in Ontario. Together they have come up with an ‘atavistic’ model positing cancer is the re-expression of an ancient “preprogrammed” trait that has been lying dormant. In a new paper, which appeared in BioEssays in September1, they argue that because cancer appears in many animals and plants, as well as humans, then it must have evolved hundreds of millions of years ago when we shared a common single-celled ancestor. At that time, cells benefited from immortality, or the ability to proliferate unchecked,


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