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论李贺诗的怪诞 【摘要】在我国唐代文学史上,李贺是最有个性的诗人之一,具有“鬼才”和“奇才”之称。而他诗歌的风格又以荒诞、怪异而独树一帜,使得无数后人为之争议不休。李贺诗风的怪诞之处多表现为歌咏对象多为超现实的,他诗歌中的形象有的是幽冥的鬼魂;有的是玄幻的恐怖境界;还有的是凭空臆想的脱俗之境……可以说,李贺诗的意境大多是虚幻奇怪的想象,这跟李贺自身心境与所思所想是密不可分的,而其诗歌的构思同样也是超凡脱俗的没有完全遵循固有的章法,章句、章节之间同样毫无章法可言,跌宕起伏得让人无从揣摩,就连遣词造句方面也跟诸多文人不同,擅长使用类似于“死”、“血”、“鬼”等怪力乱神的词语,这一切都更加增添了李贺诗风的怪诞之处。本文将通过对李贺怪诞诗风的分析,进一步研究其怪诞诗风形成的原因及对后世的影响等,力争为后来者研究李贺以及我国古代各种诗风再添瑰丽一笔。 【关键词】李贺;诗;怪诞 【Abstract】In our country, the Tang Dynasty literary history, Li He is one of the most personality of the poet, has a genius and talent . And his poetry style and the absurd, strange and become an independent school, makes numerous posterity to controversial. Li He s grotesque place much performance is singing the object for many surreal, his poetry in the image of some ghost ghost; some fantasy terrorist state; there is the imagined refined environment ... ... Can say, Li Heshis mood is mostly illusory strange imagination, this with Li He s own mood and thinking are inseparable, and the poetry conception is also free from vulgarity is not completely follow the inherent law between chapters, chapters, also have no art to speak of, the ups and downs of people can not figure out, even the words sentences with many literati, adept at the use of similar to death, blood , ghost weird things such as words, all this makes the Li He poem grotesque. In this paper, through the analysis of Li He grotesque style, further study of the grotesque style forming cause and influence on later generations, and strive for Li He later research of Chinese ancient poetry and add a variety of magnificent. 【Keyword】Li He; poetry; grotesque 引言 作为我国唐代最富个性的诗人之一,李贺的诗歌在中唐时期开始异军突起,他摒弃了元白的坦易,避开了韩孟的奇险,脱离了韦柳的冲淡,开始另辟蹊径并独放异彩。刘辰翁在《评李长吉诗》中曾这样写道: 旧看长吉诗,固喜其才,亦厌其涩,落笔细读,方知作者用心。料他人观不到此也,是千年长吉犹无知巳也。……千古长吉,余甫知之矣耳,诗之难读如此,而作者尝呕心,何也?樊川反复称道,非不极至,独惜理不及《骚》,不知贺之所长正在理外,如要惠施“坚白”,特以不近人情,而听者惑焉,是为辩。若眼前语,众人意,则不待长吉能之。此长吉所以自成一家欤! 这段文字利用举例与比较生动地道出了李贺诗风怪诞的特点。是的,只要是看过李贺诗集的人都会了解,他的诗只要稍加品味的话就会给人以玄炫的感觉,跟随李贺诗的意境你可以感受到诡谲的意象和奇幻的色彩,还有那飘渺无形的幻想世界,无


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