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1. Five years ago, she was in high school. _____ ____ she five years ago ? 2. Five years ago, she had a cat. _____ ____ she _____ five years ago ? 3. Five years ago, she played soccer. _____ _____ she _____ five years ago ? 4. Today, she is in college. _____ ___ she today ? 5. Today, she has a dog. _____ _____ she _____ today ? 6. Today, she plays guitar. _____ _____ she _____ today. 1. She will be a doctor in five years. _____ ____ she ___ in five years ? _____ do you think she ____ ___ in five years ? 2. She will have a sports car in five years. _____ ____ she _____ in five years ? _____do you think she ____ _____ in 5 years ? 3. She will play tennis in five years. _____ ____ she ____ in five years ? _____ do you think she ____ ____ in 5 years ? * Section A (3a-4) Unit1 Will people have robots? No.1 Anfeng Middle School Meng Qingyun Grammar focus: 1 countable nouns: eggs, cookies, muffins, apples, bananas, watches babies…etc. 2 uncountable nouns: leisure time, water, milk, orange juice, meat, bread, butter…etc. Grammar note: 1 There will be fewer lakes 2 There will be less fresh water 3.There will be fewer cars. 4 There will be less wood. Culture note: Cars: Cars are becoming more popular in China and around the world. They have many advantages, but they also have many disadvantages. For example, a car uses many more natural resources than a family set of bicycles and causes pollution. Culture note: Pollution also takes up much more space. In some countries, teenagers get their own cars and driving is a popular activity in songs and movies. Many American films are so-called road movies. In these movies, two or more people set off on a trip to see new parts of their country and get to know each other better along the way. Cars: look at the pictures of Sally. Then fill in The blanks in the sentences: 1 Five years ago, Sally was ___________. 2 She played _____________
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