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1、Hometown Where do you come from? / Where are you from? Is it a big city or a small town? Tell me something about the town or city you come from? Has your hometown changed a lot since last few years? What are the things you don’t like about your hometown? How do you think about the area you are living in at the moment? What is your favorite food in your hometown? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2、Study Are you a student or do you have a job? Will you continue your study in the future? What is your major? What is your favorite subject? What is your least favorite subject? Will you keep in touch with your old classmates in the future? Do you prefer working in the morning or working in the afternoon? How was your first day of school? ? 3、Name Who gave your name? Does your name have a special meaning in your culture? How do people choose name for their kids in your country? ? 4、Relaxation What do you do to relax? Why is it important for people to relax? Do you think physical exercise will help you to relax? Do you think travelling is a good way to relax? ? 5、Politeness Who taught you to be polite when you were a little child? Do you think it is important to be polite? When should people be polite? How to be polite? Did rules of politeness change or not? ? 6、Street Market Does your city have any street markets? Do you like street market? What are some of differences between a street market and a supermarket? Will you visit street market in other countries? ? 7、Driving a car Can you drive a car? Do you think it is quite important to learn driving? Do you like travelling by car? When was last time you travelled by car? Do you think it is very important to have a driving license? When was last time you had a trip by taxi? ? 8、Parks and Gardens Do you like visiting parks and gardens? When was last time you went to a park or garden? What sort of things can people do there? ? 9、Weather Do Chinese people like talking about weather? Has your hometown’s weat



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