考研英语一冲刺复习资料漫画作文必背模板 .docVIP

考研英语一冲刺复习资料漫画作文必背模板 .doc

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考研英语(一)冲刺复习资料:漫画作文必背模板   考研英语(一)冲刺作文背诵资料   高分作文必背范文模板   编著:王桂星   漫画作文必背模板   (一)消极社会现象类   一.描述段(套话+描述+套话)   As is vividly/subtly/symbolically/ironically depicted/described/conveyed/revealed in the picture/drawing/cartoon, sb. is/are doing sth. in/at/on sp., V-ing(状语) . There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.   二.阐释段   1.观点法——适用于青少年身上存在的消极现象(论点+四个分论点)   People’s opinions differ greatly on this matter. Some believe that______________________________________________________________________. (第一个观点反映主旨) Others argue thatyoungsters should be given freedom, whereby they will become more creative and imaginative. Still others maintain that youngsters should be encouraged to show their individuality, as a result of which they will become more confident. (第二三个观点反驳第一个观点)Personally I take it as something unacceptable because the young generation holds the key to China’s future, which will certainly become gloomy if all youths behave in this way.   2.因果法—青少年身上存在的消极现象(过渡句+主旨句+论点句+3个分论点)   This picture is really a thought-stimulating thought-feast, for it does provide much food for my thought. It is a mirror, reflecting that_______________________________________. Maybe the contributing factors can be listed as follows. Firstly, schools do not attach much importance to __________, lacking in relevant propaganda and educational campaigns. Secondly, parents just focus on the academic performance of their children, hardly conscious of the significance of__________. Last but not least, some youngsters are increasingly influenced by liberal ideas and indulged in pursuing individuality, hence, become more indifferent to __________.   3.因果法—普遍消极社会现象(人人有责):(过渡句+主旨句+论点句+3个分论点)   This picture is really a thought-stimulating thought-feast, for it does provide much food for my thought. It is a mirror, reflecting that_______________________________________. Maybe there are several reasons contributing to this phenomenon. Firstly, gov


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