高一必修3 uit 4学案1.docVIP

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How life began on the earth I.重点短语. 1一个广泛被接受的理论 7. 对…. 是基本的 2.形成 8.水的持续存在 3.如此猛烈以至于 9.连锁反应 4.迟早;最后;终于 10.用某物充满某物 5.地球的大气层 11.下蛋 6.与地球不同 12 以… 为生 13产生;分娩 14 阻止某人做某事 15轮到他们 16 作为... 的结果是 17从…逃脱 18 依靠 取决于 II. 课文重要知识点及重要句型。 1.They were in time to produce carbon,…, which were to make important is in time: 及时;最终 in time (for sth. /to do sth.): 迟早;最后 我迟早会遇见他. I’ll see him________. 她会及时回来准备晚餐. She will be back __________ prepare dinner. 你认为我们能最后赶上火车吗? Do you think we can get there _________catch the train? 与time相关的短语: on time 按时;准时 In no time 立刻,马上 at times 有时 at a time 每次;依次 once upon a time 从前 it is time for sth /it is time to do sth it is time for sb to do sth 到上学的时间了。 It is time to _______(go)to school. 2.Be fundamental to 对……是基本的 Be similar to Be important to Be harmful to Water was ____________the development of life 3.allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases… allow sb. to do…= permit sb. to do… My father doesn’t allow_________ at home. In fact he doesn’t _________________ anywhere at any time. 2) Harmful adj. Opp: harmless harm n. be harmful to sb./sth.= do harm to sb. /sth. 对…有害 过多的二氧化碳对环境有害. Too much carbon dioxide __________________ the environment. 4.Make it possible to do 使…. 成为可能 make it + adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 常见动词:think/feel /consider/find/ believe/suppose 组长让我们可以一起合作.( possible/work together) The group leader ____________________________ 老师让他们很容易地明白那个问题.(easy / understand that question) The teacher _______________________________. 5.encourage v. 鼓励,促进 encourage sb. to do sth 老师鼓励我们上课说英语. The teacher _______us_____(speak) English in class. 6. They laid eggs too and existed on the earth… exist in 存在与…之中 exist on 靠…为生 exist by 靠…生存 It was impossible


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