
毕业设计论文-基于jsp的家庭食谱管理系统 .doc

毕业设计论文-基于jsp的家庭食谱管理系统 .doc

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毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 系统    中国已进入温饱问题基本得到解决的小康社会,人们对食物的要求越来越高,不仅仅局限于能吃饱就好,越来越多人在追求更多的美食。中国有五千多年的历史,其间自然也产生了数不胜数的美食。 随着计算机网络的飞速发展,美食网已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的部分,也是一种简单有效的提供网络用户进行学习和评价的平台,通过其可以理解美食,自己学习制作美食,它随时可以发表评论,方便快捷。开发此网站,目的在于尽可能详细地展示、介绍各种美食信息,同时提供美食爱好者一个交流的平台,使得更多的美食传统做法得到推广,也可激发更多美食创意的产生 针对以上问题,设计开发了家庭食谱管理系统,本系统前台主要使用JSP作为开发语言,后台使用SqlServer作为数据库管理系统,开发环境是MyEclipse,服务器采用tomcat,开发出的一个基于Web技术的B/S结构的食谱分享系统。 关键词:食谱共享,WEB,JSP,B/S结构 ABSTRACT China has entered the food basically resolved the problem of comparatively well-off society, people on the food requirements of increasingly high, is not confined to to eat good, more and more people in the pursuit of more food. China has a history of over five thousand years, which also produced beyond count of food. With the rapid development of computer network, food network already became in the people daily life essential part, is also a kind of simple and effective to provide users of the network learning and assessment platform, through its own food can understand, learn to make food, it can always comment, convenient and quick. The development of this website, is as detailed as possible to show, introduced a variety of food information, while providing food lovers a platform for the exchange, so that more food tradition had been extended, also can stimulate more food idea generation To solve the above problem, designed and developed the family recipe management system, this system mainly uses the JSP as a development language, the use of SqlServer as database management system, the development environment is MyEclipse, server using tomcat, developed a Web technology based on B/S structure recipe sharing system. Key words: Recipe sharing, WEB, JSP, B/S structure 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2目的和意义 1 1.3开发工具及技术 1 1.3.1开发工具 1 1.3.2 JSP 2 1.3.3 JavaScript 3 1.4软硬件需求 3 第二章 需求分析 5 2.1需求调研 5 2.2可行性分析 5 2.2.1技术的可行性 5 2.2.2经济的可行性 5 2.2.3操作可行性 5 2.2.4法律的可行性 5 2.3系统用户用例图 6 2.3.1管理员用例图 6 2


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