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考研英语1 英语1 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“英语1”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 来be comparable to/with可辨析的,比得上的 beyond compare无与伦比No one is comparable to her in beauty. / She is pretty beyond compare.Books can be compared to friends.Compared with our small apartment, our uncle’s house seemed like a palace.He can’t compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.展开 comparison n. 辨析 comparative adj. 相辨析而言的,相对的 comparable adj. 可辨析的,类似的;比得上的competev. try to win sth by defeating others who are trying to do the same 竞赛,竞争词组compete against 和…(竞)赛 compete for (和…)争夺,比赛…夺取compete with和…竞争,竞赛展开 competition n. 竞争,比赛 competitive adj. 竞争性的,比赛的;喜欢竞争的competitor n. 参加竞赛者,竞争者 competent adj. 胜任,称职,有能力做某事competency n. 胜任,能力complain vi say that one is dissatisfied, unhappy, etc 抱怨;发牢骚vt. 抱怨,诉说词组complain to sb. of / about sth. 向某人抱怨某事make complaints to sb. of / about sth.展开 complaint n. 抱怨complex adj. made up of ( usu. several ) closely connected parts 组合的,复杂的辨析complex 指“许多简单部分合成的”complicated指“许多部分互相纠合,难懂,难解”complex sentence复合句 complicated questions复杂的问题展开 complicatedadj. 复杂的compliment n. /v. expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc.赞美词组pay a compliment to sb. on sth.赞美某人 compliment sb. on / for sth.赞美某人某事receive / gain /win compliment from sb. 赢得…的赞美compose vt. (of parts or elements of sth) form ( a whole); 组成,构成;write (music, opera, etc) vt. 创作(乐曲,诗歌等) vi. 创作,作曲词组be composed of = be made up of = consist of由…组成compose a poem作诗 compose a novel 写小说展开 composer n. 作曲家 composition n. 作文;乐曲conceal vt.keep sth/ sb from being seen or known about; hide sth/ sb隐藏;隐瞒;掩盖(与hide同义,但conceal更正式,语气较强)词组conceal sth. from sb.向某人隐藏某事He came into the room with his gift for me concealed behind him. concentrate v. focus (ones attention, effort, etc) exclusively and intensely on sth, not thinking about other less important things 集中,专心词组concentrate on = focus on = be absorbed in全神贯注于concentra



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