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美国BETE_DurOLok(DOL)管道连接器 DUR O LOK中国唯一指定经销商:西安绿洲环保工程有限公司 Email: SuperNozzle@163.comTheDUR O LOK?coupling meets the requirements of the following codes:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII ASME B31.1, Code for Pressure Piping ASME B31.3, Code for Process Piping1 ?2004 BETE Fog Nozzle, Inc., all rights reservedsupern 中国唯一指定经销商:西安绿洲环保工程有限公司 Email: ?2003 BETE Fog Nozzle, Inc.All rights reserved. ?2004 BETE Fog Nozzle, Inc., all rights reserved 2 The DUR O LOK畐edge system The heart of the DUR O LOK甦esign is the system of wedge-shaped, circumferential teeth located on the outside diameter of the hubs and on the inside diameter of the mating split coupler.The wedging action of the teeth com- presses the gasket and brings the hub ends into contact with each other.The outside diameter of the split coupler is tapered.A ring with a tapered inside diameter slidesover the split coupler ring seg-ments, forcing them together andholding them firmly in place.Thetapered retaining ring is secured witha set screw.The entire connectionprocess can be accomplished in less than aminute, without wrenches. Patented and patents pending ?004 BETE Fog Nozzle, Inc., all rights reservedBETE3 The Light Weight,Threadless,Boltless Coupling Alternative DUR O LOK?couplings are all-purpose, lightweight connectors designed to replace standard ANSI flanges.The design of DUR O LOK?couplings ensures reliable operation over a wide range of temperatures. DUR O LOK甤ouplings have been used in refinery applications for many years and are specified by UOP for use in CCRTMPlatformingTM, OleflexTM and SorbexTMprocessing units, as well as in OptimixTM FCC feed nozzles.DU ROLOK畷The DUROLOK甤oupling meets the requirements of the following codes: --ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII --ASME B31.1, Code for Pressure Piping --ASME B31.3, Code for Process Piping pe su CCRSMPlatfor


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