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西安市灞桥区昆仑加油站安全评价研究 摘要:随着我国成品油消费的快速增加,加油站密布城乡各个地方,但是加油站经营的油品和气体燃料具有易燃、易爆、易挥发、易渗漏和毒性等危险特性,一旦发生事故,不易控制减少事故和职业危害对全过程、全方位的安全导 Evaluation of the Baqiao District Kunlun Oil Stations in Xian Summary:Along with the rapid increase in oil consumption, Dense urban and rural stations in various places,But the stations oil and gas operations with flammable, explosive, volatile, toxic leaks and other dangers, The event of an accident, not easy to control, to the peripheral units a great deal of security threats. Therefore, safety evaluation can be effective in preventing accidents, reducing accidents and occupational hazards, on the whole process, to provide comprehensive safety guidelines. This thesis research by a large number of materials, Discusses the internal and external security assessment of current development, gas station security situation, the purpose and significance of safety assessment. Kunlun station through the collection of information, The process of Kunlun station, and the process of risk may exist in risk factors were analyzed and studied. Combination of gas stations running characteristics,Safety evaluation of the gas station proposed evaluation method of selecting the principles and methods,Based on these principles, methods, Kunlun station will be classified as electrical equipment, fire fighting facilities, management and storage and security management of four modules each based on the characteristics of these units select the appropriate method of fit. Finally, security measures for the conclusion. Key words: gas station; safety checklist; Dow Chemical; Job Risk; safety assessment 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 选题的背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 国外安全评价现状 2 1.2.2 国内安全评价现状 3 1.3 论文的主要内容和结构 4 1.3.1 论文的主要内容 4 1.3.2 论文的结构 5 2 加油站的工艺流程及分析 6 2.1 加油站简介 6 2.2 加油站工艺流程及分析 7 3 加油站危险危害因素分析 8 3.1 危险危害因素概述 8 3.2 加油站物料的危险危害因素分析 8 3.3 加油站场所的危险危害因素分析 10 3.3.1 作业中的危险因素分析 10 3.3.2 非作业中的危险因素分析 11 3.3.3 人员与管理因素 11 4 昆仑加油站安全评价单元划分及评价方法选择 12 4.1 评价单元的概念 12 4.2 加油站安全评价单


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