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Model Dialogue 1 C = Clerk; T = Tourist C: First, you surf online to see which webphone plan best fits you. T: I see. C: Once decided, you simply sign up and download the free software. T: Wait a moment, how to sign up? C: You fill up the required information to create an account. See, you choose a user ID and a 4-digit PIN, write down your e-mail address and some personal information. T: So I can get an account suited to my needs? C: Yeah. And then you download the free software. T: What is it for? C: Its a dialer and you can use it to dial T: Wow, thats amazing. C: To make calls, you must hook up to the internet and youd better have a good headset. 译 模拟对话一 C=工作人员; T=旅客 C: 首先,得上网查看哪种网络电话方案最适合自己。 T: 知道了。 C: 一旦确定后便只需申请并下载免费的软件。 T: 等下,如何申请? C: 填写所需信息以创建一个账户。瞧,你选择一个用户码和一个四位数的个人识别码。写下你的电子邮箱地址和一些个人信息。 T: 这样就能获得适合我需求的账号了么? C: 是的。接着你便下载免费的软件。 T: 软件有何用? C: 是一个拨号器,你能用它来拨号。 T: 哇,真让人称奇。 C: 必须联网后方能打电话,而且你最好有一个好耳机。 3.拨打国际长途时可能遇到的问题 拨打国际电话时,难免遇到拨错电话、占线、忙音、电话出现故障等种种问题。遇到这些问题该如何应对处理?请看下面的示范对话。 Model Dialogue 2 A = Tourist A ; B = Ben ; S = Smith A: May I speak to Mr. Smith, extension two-four-eight-six? B: Pardon, Mr. who? A: Mr. Smith. B : Im sorry. Theres no one named Smith. You must have the wrong number. A : Is it extension two-four-eight-six? B : Its two-four-six-eight. A : Im sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry to have bothered you. 译 Chapter Five Phoning Home Chapter Five Phoning Home 给国内打电话 Phoning home is a common and shared experience for travelers far away from homeland. However, it might be confusing and discouraging when you are homesick but get trapped on a foreign street unable to call home. This chapter informs you how to make international calls to and from the country you are visiting and choose the most appropriate calling plan so to make each cent count. 给国内打电话是大部分出外旅游者的共同经验。然而,当您思乡心切,却因无法拨通国内的电话而困在异国他乡的街道上时,也许会感到茫然沮丧。本章将告知您如何拨打国际电话,如何选择最合适的电话方案以便能使花费的一分一厘均物有所值。 电话的不同英语词汇或表达 telephony 电话学,电话 cordless telephone 无绳电话 wireless tel


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