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ee 题 目 可移动式传送机设计 学生姓名 ee 学号 ee 所在学院 机械工程学院 专业班级 ee 指导教师 马跃林 完成地点 ee 2009年 5 月 21 日 题目:可移动式输送机设计? ee (ee) 指导老师:ee [摘要] 本设计是在一般输送机设计的基础上,分析了常见的小型带式输送机特点,设计了一套集伸缩、移动、变幅三种功能合一的单元组合式传动输送机创新设计方案,尤其对无高差伸缩方案进行了细致的分析和讨论。 基于QD80轻型带式输送机设计方法完成了基础计算,其中部分零部件从QD80输送机零部件种选用,伸缩机构为自行设计,采用螺母螺杆传动形式达到输送机伸缩目的,用可变距式H架实现了无高差运输,保证了运行的平稳性,通过计算确定了伸缩机构的相关参数,对输送机的各种运动状态进行了模型简化与受力分析,计算结果保证一些极限情况下的机构的安全性;拉紧方式采用弹簧拉紧,保证皮带应力适中不出现打滑和断裂;变副用液压装置完成;移动功能的实现是通过电机驱动小车来完成的,变向需要人为干预。 最终达到了集伸缩、移动、变副于一体的预期要求,其中伸缩范围为0~3m,最大长度为8m,变副范围为,移动速度为1.2m/s,一些零部件采用了采购或定制的方式并对移动输送机的创新和改进做了展望,特别提出今后可能具有良好发展前途的改进设想。 [关键词]:带式输送机 伸缩 移动 变幅 Design of DYS Telescopic Mobile Belt Conveyor Abstract Student:ee ee Tutor: ee This paper based on the design for ordinary belt conveyor, analyzed the characteristic of common small belt conveyors, designed a unit combined transmission conveyor innovative plan which integrated three functions such as telescopic, mobile and change angle, especially did a careful analysis and discussion on telescopic plan. The paper first introduced the developing situation of belt conveyor at home and abroad and the trend of its development and design purpose and significance, analyzed common telescopic and transmission form in telescopic conveyor. The design process was based on the method of QD80 small belt conveyor, some part of parts were selected from QD80 standard parts, the telescopic agency used screw nut transmission form to achieve the conveyor to expand and contract, relevant parameters were confirmed by calculation. Design a transmission agency with electric motor and gears to drive screw nut agency. The paper also calculated parameters of mobile and ch


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