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摘 要 单片微型计算机(简称单片机)作为微型计算机的一个很重要的分支,自它诞生以来,以其极高的性价比以及一系列的优点,受到越来越多的工程技术人员的重视。现在,单片机已广泛地应用在智能仪器仪表、机电设备过程控制、自动检测、家用电器和数据处理等各个方面。随着单片机的发展以及它在各种复杂的控制系统、智能化系统中的广泛应用,它将渗透到生产和生活的各个领域。 单片机控制品质卓越,基于单片机的微型打印机运行可靠,操作方便。微型打印机是一种及其常用的人机交换工具,他在人们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。比如银行ATM自动取款机打印取款凭证、超市打印消费小票、出租车打印路费、再比如某些不利于人工控制的高压环境,在设备控制里面我们可以设计一故障打印模块,及时打印故障,控制微型打印机和启动打印机尤为重要。传统上启动打印机都是靠人工手动操作完成,但是在上面所举例子中,对于人工操作带有一定的风险性,并且从经济领域考虑,我们提出并设计了由89S51、8255、红外接收芯片M5046控制微型打印机这一系统。 关键词:单片机; 8255; 微型打印机; M5046 Based on SCM micro-printer ABSTRACT Single-chip micro-computer (SCM) as a mini-computer is a very important branch, since its birth, its high price and a series of advantages, by the growing number of engineering and technical personnel attention. Now, SCM has been widely used in smart instrumentation, process control electrical and mechanical equipment, automatic detection, household appliances and data processing, and other various aspects. With the development of SCM and its complex control systems, a wide range of applications in intelligent system, it will penetrate into the production and in all areas of life. The Single-chip microcomputer has a excellence to control something, based on single-chip micro-printer run reliably, and it is easy to be operated. mini-printers is a common exchanging tool between people and machines ,it plays a very important role in peoples daily lives . For example, ATM prints receipts, the staff of supermarket prints the consumption of small votes, taxi drivers print fare, and then for example, to some of the high-pressure environment which is not conducive to manual control,we could design a print module inside the device and printing the fault of the machine in time, it is very important to contral and run the printer .. Traditionally, printers operated by manual, but in the example above, manual operation exists a certain degree of risk, and from the economic sphere, we proposed and designed the system of micro-printer controled by the 80C5


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