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申请人中英文公证书 篇一:公证书申请人英文 定式公证书的翻译: 一、民事法律行为类 第一式 委托公证书格式[注1] notarial certificate () ××zi, no.×× applicant: ×××(基本情况[注2]) issue under notarization: authorization this is to certify that ×××(申请人)came to our notary public office [注3] and signed [注5] the foregoing letter of authorization [注4] in the presence of me, the notary public, on ×× ×××× (date), acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it. the act of ×××(申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with provisions of article 55 [注6] of the general principals of the civil law of the peoples republic of china. [注7] ××notary public office, ×× city, ××province the peoples republic of china notary public (签名或签名章) × ×, ××××(date) 注: 1.本格式适用于证明单方委托行为。证明委托合同适用合同类要素式公证书格式。证明委托书上的签名(印鉴)属实适用证明文书上的签名(印鉴)公证书格式。 2.自然人的基本情况包括:姓名、性别、公民身份号码,可以根据公证的内容增加出生日期、住址、联系方式等情况,发往域外使用的公证书应当注明出生日期;申请人为外国人的,还应当写明国籍和护照号码。法人或者非法人组织的基本情况包括:组织名称、登记注册地址,另起一行注明法定代表人或者负责人的姓名、性别、公民身份号码。由代理人代办的公证事项,应当在申请人基本情况后另起一行注明代理人的姓名、性别、公民身份号码。以下各格式相同,不再另行加注。 3.在本公证机构以外的地点办证的,办证地点据实表述。以下各格式相同,不再另行加注。 4.引用文书的全名。 5.签署的形式应当据实表述:仅有签名的,表述为“签名”;签名、印鉴、指纹等几种形式(转载于:公证书申请人英文)同时存在的,一并予以表述;申办公证时提交了已签署的委托书,且未作修改,表述为“××× (the applicant) confirmed before me, the notary public, that he/she made the authorization out of his/her own, true will and executed the letter with his/her own hand.”。 6.有新法或者专门规定的,表述作相应调整。 7.根据需要,可以另起一行注明公证书用途,如“this notarial certificate can be used to claim inheritance of ××× in taiwan.”。以下各格式相同,不再另行加注。 第二式 声明公证书格式[注1] notarial certificate () ××zi, no.×× applicant: ×××(基本情况) issue under notarization: declaration this is to certify that ×××(申请人)came to our notary public office and signed [注3] the foregoing letter of declaration [注2] in the presence of me, the notary public, on ×× ×××× (date), acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the declaration and what he/she is legally required to do by making it. th


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