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高三第一次月考语文作文 2015届高三第一次月考作文范文 Possible version: Dear Editor, I am writing to share with you the recent disaster we suffered here. It happened to be during the summer holiday that most parts of Hainan Province, especially Wenchang and Haikou, were hit hard by an unusual typhoon called Ramasun on 18th July. As a result of the typhoon once in 41 years, many trees were blown down by the Also, many houses were destroyed and a large number of villages and streets were drowned, the water and electricity was cut off stranded residents and villagers were rescued in time and few people got killed or injured. PLA officers and soldiers whoother. Yours, LiHua It was July eighteenth. Everywhere in Hainan province was struck by Typhoon Ramasum, The price of food to rise high. The trees lay down and blocked the roads. It was difficult for cars to pass the roads. Thousands of houses were knocked down by the strong wind and heavy rain. Many villages and streets were even under water. ?t express my gratitude too much to the people who helped us. We couldn?t have got through the disaster without them. What moved me was that faced with the disaster, people helped and took care of each other. I hope that you can publish the passage to tell people who care about us that we will soon get over all the problems and rebuild our homes. Yours, LiHua(By Zhu Xu ) 篇二:高三第一次月考作文 2012届高三第一次月考作文 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的作文。 从2003年起,杭州市图书馆就连续8年实行对所有读者免费开放,包括乞丐和拾荒者,图书馆对这些特殊读者的唯一要求,就是把手洗干净再阅读。这一举措推行以来,一直引起一些读者的不满。 “我无权拒绝他们入内读书,但您有权选择离开。”杭州市图书馆馆长楮树青两年前的这句话在微博上被转发了过万次。 围绕上述材料显示的信息及意义,抒写你的所思所感。要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。 天堂的模样 “上有天堂,下有苏杭”,除了风光旖旎的西子湖,杭图应该是天堂的另一坐地标。 从2003年开始,杭图连续八年对所有读者,包括乞丐和拾荒者免费开放,这个善举无疑是美丽的、温馨的。楮树青馆长和他的同事们进行了开创性的工作,把杭图造就成了另一层意义的天堂。 天堂是人们共有的精神家园。作为一种公共资源,图书馆不仅仅是一个查阅文献的地方,它更应该是市民自由穿行的空间,是市民共有的精神家园。乞丐和拾荒者这些弱势力群体比一般人更需要这样的空间,更需要精神食粮的滋养。作为公民,我们每个人都有享受国家公共资源的权利。汉中市图书馆如果也能对所有读者免费开放,那孤儿陈亮就不用去垃圾堆里捡书看了。 天堂是全免费的。作为一种公共设施,图书馆承担着教化民众的责任,不应以赢利为目的。我们欣喜地看


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