必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课_0.doc

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必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课_0

必修5Unit 1 Great Scientists 听说课 第一步 引入话题 Let students name some great scientists. And then ask them to try the quiz on Page1 and find out who knows the most. Answers: 1. 浮力定理?— 阿基米德 Archimedes 2. 生物进化论 — 达尔文 Charles Darwin 3. 蒸汽机 — 纽科文 Thomas Newcomer James Watt improved it in the 1770s and turned it into the first modern steam engine used on the railway. the first steam engine 4. 遗传学 — 孟德尔 Gregor Mendel 5. 镭的发现者 — 居里夫人 Ma rie Curie 6. 电 — 爱迪生 Thomas Edison 7. 达芬奇 ?? ?? Leonardo da Vinci??? Mona Lisa??? Last Supper 8. 矿工安全灯 — 汉弗来.戴维爵士 ?? ? Sir Humphry Davy?? ?Miner’s Safety Lamp 9.地动仪 seismograph — 张衡 ?? ? Zhang Heng?? Seismograph 10. 黑洞理论 — 斯蒂芬·霍金 Stephen Hawking 第二步 学生活动 1. Divide students into g roups of four and let them find what quality a scientist should have. Each student can give one adjective, and then name a scientist who has such a quality. Then see which group can find the most. For example: Student1: Careful Copernicus Student2: Strong determination?? Stephen Hawking Student3: Creative?? Albert Einstein ... 2. Ask two or three groups to show their opinions. 3. Tell students they will learn another scientist: Carl Linnaeus,and then introduce the background information about him. Carl Linnaeus lived and worked in Sweden. He succeeded in classifying kinds of plants and animals. His classification has proved very successful and is still used today. Carl Linnaeus 第三步 听力训练 The purpose of the listening is to introduce the work of Carl Linnaeus to us. They should understand why his work was important to the development of biology, yet he is not well-known. 1. A [1]?[2]?下一页 sk students to read the questions and talk about the picture. 2. Students listen to the tape for the first time and choose what it is about. Key to Exercise 1: The correct answer is C. 3. Ask students to have a look at Exercise 2 before they listen to the tape again. 4. Play the tape and let students


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