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毕业论文(设计)       毕业论文 华为公司内部审计       题  目 问题研究       指导教师       学生姓名 陈彦卉 二O一四 年 五 月 十八 日 华为公司内部审计问题研究 摘 要 随着市场经济体制的改革,企业之间的竞争愈演愈烈。要想在激烈的竞争中搏求生存和发展的契机,内在素质变得十分重要。内部审计作为自我控制、自我监督、自我调节的职能机构,推动着改善企业经营管理的动力。随着经营环境和加强内部审计更迫切的现代内部审计的发展,显示出强大的生命力和广阔的发展空间。自1983年成立以来,虽然已在企业的管理上取得了一定的成绩,但内部审计在中国起步较晚,在实践中还存在一些问题,影响其功能的发挥。文章以华为公司内部审计为研究对象,揭示了其内部审计现状,剖析了内部审计存在的问题,通过借鉴国内外先进的理论研究和经验成果,并结合华为公司实际情况,提出问题的相应解决对策。向完善华为公司内部审计体系迈出了坚实的一步。 关键词:内部审计;;Abstract As the reform of market economic system, the competition between enterprises fiercer. In the fierce competition to fight for survival and development opportunity, intrinsic quality is very important. Internal audit as a function of self control, self supervision, self regulating, promote improved power management. With the business environment and strengthen the development of internal audit more urgent of modern internal audit, showing a strong vitality and broad space for development. Since its establishment in 1983, although some achievements have been made in the management of the business, but the internal audit in the China started late, in practice there are still some problems, affects the full play of its function. Based on the Huawei company internal audit as the research object, reveals the present situation of the internal audit, analyzes the existing problems of internal audit, by learning from the theoretical and empirical results of domestic and foreign advanced, combined with the actual situation Huawei company, corresponding countermeasures problem. To perfect the system of internal audit Huawei company has taken a solid step. Key words: Internal Audit; Internal Control; Internal Management 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 I 绪 论 1 1 内部审计的基本理论概述 2 1.1 内部审计的定义 2 1.2 内部审计的特征 2 2 华为公司概况及内部审计现状 3 2.1 华为公司概况 3 2.2 华为公司内部审计现状 3 3 华为公司内部审计存在的问题 4 3.1 内部审计机构不合理 4 3.1.1 独立性弱化 4 3.1.2 系统性不强 4 3.2 内部审计范围局限 4 3.3 内审人员专业素质不高 5 4


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