final exam study guide- tennessee state university(期末考试学习指南——田纳西州立大学).doc

final exam study guide- tennessee state university(期末考试学习指南——田纳西州立大学).doc

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final exam study guide- tennessee state university(期末考试学习指南——田纳西州立大学)

HIST 2010 American History I Final Exam Study Guide Spring 2011 Format The?examination comprises: (1) twenty-five multiple-choice questions (50%); and (2) three essay questions of which students are required to answer two (50%). Required Materials Students should bring to the examination: (1) two sharpened #2 pencils for recording answers to the multiple-choice section; (2) a blue or black ballpoint pen; and Regulations (1) The total time allowed for the examination is two hours: thirty minutes for the multiple-choice section and 1 ? hours for the essays. (2) No books, notes, or other materials may be consulted during the examination. Examination Dates May 2-6. Studying Guidelines The?examination is designed to test the learning outcomes stated in the syllabus for the course. The multiple-choice questions test your familiarity with historical persons, institutions, and events (course learning outcome 1), and the essay questions ask you to demonstrate your ability to use this knowledge in making connections, analyzing arguments, and presenting your own ideas. Multiple-choice questions provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate content mastery of important factual information presented in the textbook and lectures. One approach to preparing for this section of the examination is to develop a list of essential terms and concepts from each chapter of assigned reading. For each term, you should know basic factual information (who, what, when, where) and recognize significance (why is the term important). If you can do this, you should generally be able to answer a related multiple-choice question correctly. The essay section of the examination will include three of the questions listed below, of which you will be required to answer two. Because the selection is not published in advance, it is important to prepare responses to all, or at least all but one, of the questions listed. In responding to an essay question, it is important to think carefu



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