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官方兽医及执业兽医制度简述 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心 东方动物卫生法学研究所 陈 向 前 教授/律师 OIE《法典》的几个定义 1、兽医(Veterinarian) 指经国家相关兽医法定机构注册或许可的,在该国从事兽医/科研工作的人员。 Veterinarian means a person registered or licensed by the relevant Veterinary statutory body of a country to practice veterinary medicine/science in that country. 2、助理兽医(Veterinary Para-professional) 指根据《法典》要求,经兽医法定机构授权并由兽医负责和指导,代表兽医在国内 进行(按兽医助理类别)指定任务的人员。各类助理兽医被受权的任务由兽医法定 机构根据资格培训及需要确定。 Veterinary para-professional means a person who, for the purposes of this Terrestrial Code, is authorised by the Veterinary statutory body to carry out certain designated tasks (dependent upon the category of veterinary para-professional) in a country, and delegated to them under the responsibility and direction of a veterinarian. The tasks authorized for each category of veterinary para-professional should be defined by the Veterinary statutory body depending on qualifications and training, and according to need. OIE《法典》的几个定义 3、官方兽医(Official Veterinarian) 指由国家兽医行政管理部门授权对商品*的动物卫生和/或公共卫生行使监督的兽医, 并根据《法典》1.2章(国际贸易义务和道德)条款规定签发证书。 Official Veterinarian means a veterinarian authorised by the Veterinary Administration of the country to perform certain designated official tasks associated with animal health and/or public health and inspections of commodities and, when appropriate, to certify in conformity with the provisions of Section?1.2. of this Terrestrial Code. *商品(Commodities) 指动物(人类消费用、动物饲料用、药用或外科手术用、农用或工业用的)、动物源性产品、精液、胚胎/卵、 生物制品和病料。 OIE《法典》的几个定义 4、兽医行政管理部门(Veterinary administration) 兽医行政管理部门指在全国范围内有权实施OIE推荐的动物卫生措施和国际兽医出证 程序、监督或审查其实施的政府兽医机构。 Veterinary Administration means the governmental Veterinary Service having authority in the whole country for implementing the animal health measures and international veterinary certification process which the OIE recommends, and supervising or auditing their application. 5、兽医当局(Veterinary authority) 兽医当局指在兽医行政管理部门授权下,直接负责执行动物卫生措施及监督国内各地 签发国际兽医证书的兽医机关。 Veterina


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