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题 目 Jordan标准形及其应用
院(系) 数学系
专 业 数学与应用数学
学 号
摘 要
The Standard Jordan and Its Application
Jordan canonical form of matrix is an important part of linear algebra. It’s due to that not all linear transformation has a set of base which could make it in this group under the matrix become diagonal shape. In order to explore the linear transformation generally can be simplified into which kind of shape in the case of selecting the appropriate base, we introduced Jordan standard form. Since the canonical form of a matrix has the advantages of simple structure, easy to calculate and others, so it plays a very important role in solving the matrix problems, especially about the theory and method which could transform matrix into Jordan normal form. For these reasons,it has been listed as the essential foundation of knowledge to help solve the linear differential equations theory. Nowadays, the Jordan canonical form of matrix is extensively used in linear algebra, such as the character of using the Jordan standard form to proof the characteristic root of matrix, in addition, application in calculating the matrix polynomial, determinant and linear differential equation. Now what we will discuss emphatically is the theory of Jordan standard form and its application.
Keywords: Jordan normal form, characteristic roots, matrix polynomial, determinant
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引言 1
1. Jordan矩阵相关的定义定理 1
1.1 Jordan矩阵相关的定义 1
1.2 Jordan标准形相关的定理 3
2. 矩阵的Jordan标准形及相似变换矩阵的解法 7
2.1 Jordan标
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