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摘 要 本文主要介绍药品信息管理系统的开发。药品信息管理系统是在Windows7平台下,以微软公司的Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 为工具开发出来的系统,实现了药店信息的计算机管理。该系统由药品信息入库、出库、销售、订单生成、药品信息查询、药品信息管理功能模块组成,系统可按各种方式查询数据,打印和预览药品价格、入库药品清单等,使药品信息管理系统从纯手工中解脱出来,实现药品管理系统简单化、规范化、合理化、科学化,其实用性强,用户界面友好。 另外,由于医药产品种类繁多,销售模式特殊,业务量大,单凭手工记账已很难适应工作的需要。医药作为一个关系人们健康的特殊行业,国家对医药行业又有一些不同与其他行业的管理政策,这些都加大了管理的难度。如何尽快建立和完善现代企业的信息化管理机制问题,已成为医药企业发展的关键所在。 关键词:药品信息管理系统 计算机管理 开发 Abstract This paper presents a review of the development of pharmaceutical information management system. Drug information management system is in Windows platform, Microsofts Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as the tool developed by the system, realized the pharmacy information computer management. The system by the drug information inbound, outbound, sales, order generated, medicine, information query, drug information management function modules, system according to various ways to query data, print preview and drug list price, inventory, etc., make the drug information management system from pure manual, implement drug simplification and standardization, rationalization, scientific management system, its practicability is strong, user friendly interface. In addition, because there are many different kinds of pharmaceutical products, sales model, special business big, manual bookkeeping alone has been difficult to adapt to the needs of work. Medicine as a special industry, a relationship between peoples health state for the pharmaceutical industry and there are some different with other industry management policies, these are even more difficult for management. How to establish and perfect modern enterprise informatization management mechanism as soon as possible, has become the key to the development of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Keywords: drug information management system computer management and development 目录 1、 绪论 4 1.1前言 4 1.2研究现状 4 2、相关理论与技术 6 2.1相关技术(计算机技术对系统的支持) 6 2.2 C#和ASP技术简介 6 2.3 三层架构技术简介 6 2.4 SESSION技术简介 8 3、需求分析与系统设计 9 3.1 需求分析 9 3.1.1 《总店子系统》需求分析 9 3.


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