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摘 要 起重机的出现大大提高了人们的劳动效率,以前需要许多人花长时间才能搬动的大型物件现在用起重机就能轻易达到效果,尤其是在小范围的搬动过程中起重机的作用是相当明显的。在工厂的厂房内搬运大型零件或重型装置桥式起重 是不可获缺的桥式起重机小车主要包括起升机构、小车架、小车运行机构、吊具等部分。其中的小车运行机构主要由减速器、主动轮组、从动轮组、传动轴和一些连接件组成。 此次设计的桥式起重机是水电站桥式起重机,安装于丰满水电站扩建工程厂房内,用于水轮发电机组及其附属设备的安装和检修工作。水电站内设备一般都是大中型设备,对桥式起重机的载荷要求较高,所以对减速器性能要求较高。 关键词 Design of the bridge type hoist crane Car movement organization ABSTRACT The invention of crane has greatly increased people’s work efficiency .People can use crane to handle with huge articles ,which used to be taken a long time to do,especially in a small area .The bridge type hoist crane is required to handle with huge accessory or huge device. The bridge type hoist crane car consists of promoted organization,the car frame,the car movement organizationhoisting mechanisms and so on.Its operation structure is composed of reducer,the driving wheel group,the driven wheel group,the transmission shaft and some connect fitting.The core of this structure is the design of the reducer. This bridge type hoist crane is be used to the hydroelectric power station.It is installed in the expanded workshop of Fengman water and electricity station.It is used to installing,examining and repairing the water-turbine generator set and its accessorial equipments.the equipments in the water and electricity station are large or medium-size.These equipments have a high request on the load of bridge type hoist crane,so they also have a high request on the capability of the reducer. Key words: bridge type hoist ,the reducer 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1.1 小车主起升机构计算 1 1.1.1 确定起升机构传动方案,选择滑轮组和吊钩组 1 1.1.2 选择钢丝绳 1 1.1.3 确定滑轮主要尺寸 2 1.1.4 确定卷筒尺寸,并验算强度 2 1.1.5 选电动机 4 1.1.6 验算电动机发热条件 5 1.1.7 选择减速器 5 1.1.8 验算起升速度和实际所需功率 5 1.1.9 校核减速器输出轴强度 6 1.1.10 选择制动器 7 1.1.11 选择联轴器 7 1.1.12 验算启动时间 8 1.1.13 验算制动时间 8 1.1.14 高速浮动轴 9 1.2.1 确定起升机构传动方案,选择滑轮组和吊钩组 11 1.2.2 选择钢丝绳 11 1.2.4 确定卷筒尺寸,并验算强度 12 1.2.5 选电动机 14 1.2.6 验算电动机发热条件 14 1.2.7 选择减速器 14 1.2.8 校核减速器输出轴强度 15 1.2.9 选择制动器 16 1.2.10 选择联轴器 16 1.2.11 验算起动时间 17 1.2.12 验算



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