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邀请函美的 March 23, 2015 To Whom It May Concern, I am 邀请人, a student at 学校名称, residing at 地址, Saint Paul, MN, 55114. I would like to invite 被邀请人, my best friend during my undergraduate study in China, to visit me for around one month starting from late July 2015. The purpose of this invitation is that I would like to show her around some scenic spots in Minnesota and enjoy the beautiful summer. During her visit, she will stay with me at the above address and she is fully capable to take full financial responsibility of her stay. I will also guarantee that she will leave the U.S. before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her Tourism Visa. If you have any questions or need more information concerning her, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks. Sincerely, 邀请人 Email: 邀请人邮箱 TEL: 邀请人联系电话 篇二:去美国邀请函 篇一:去美国旅游需要邀请函吗?美国加拿大旅游线路预订、租车、酒店预订等全方位优质服务 去美国旅游一定需要邀请函吗? 自美国对中国游客实行十年有效期签证之后,不少中国游客开始申请美国旅游签证。申请美国旅游十年签证是否需要旅游邀请函,大家对这个问题比较关心。下面悠行美洲旅游网小编为您详细分享一下: 你发邀请函邀请你去那边旅游,比如你去迪斯尼旅游,迪斯尼不可能给你发一个邀请函去旅游。所以,这种性质的旅游不需要带什么邀请函的。 但是你也不要让签证官觉得你有移民倾向。当申请者来到美国使馆做面谈的时候,签证官会详细面谈每一位签证申请人,会看他们为什么去美国,有没有什么好的原因,使签证官会相信他们会回到中国来。比如你在这儿有没有好的工作,你的月薪是多少,你在这边的家庭成员状况是怎样,你是在美国的家庭成员多一些还是在中国的家庭成员多一些,这些都是签证官要考虑的因素。 再者拥有美国旅游邀请函可以更具备说服能力,让签证官知道你此次前去的确是去旅行,而且你参加的还是美国华人旅行社的团。尤其是很多去美国旅游选择自由行的朋友,为了提高签证的通过率,往往在各大华人旅行社购买邀请函。比如悠行美洲就提供有专业的旅游邀请函,如果参加悠行美洲的团还可以退还邀请函的费用。需要美国旅游邀请函的朋友可以登录以下链接购买:篇二:去美国探亲签证怎样写邀请函 去美国探亲签证怎样写邀请函 september 10, 2012 wenhao cui 5540 parker street,burnaby, bc, v5b 1z7 re:invitation letter for wenqi cui dear sir/madam: i, wenhao cui(passport no. :, would like to invite my sister, wenqi cui(passport no. :to canada to stay with me for about ten days starting from october 22. the purpose of the visit is family reunion. she will stay with us at the above address and i will be responsible for all the expenses including the round trip air fare to canada, food, housing travelling within canada. i have been missing them so much, sinc


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