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deploy /d??pl??/ v. open-source efficiency /??f???nsi/ n. laptop /?l?pt?p/ n. 展开;配置;部署 开放源代码 效率;功率 便携式电脑;笔记本电脑 Word Bank Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》II 残漳墙俞蔬锑蚂邓届乖栗蜘露害刽榜干芋法联妙抒问溶蛋缚宿毡棚悦鳖灵新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 Notes Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》II 黍拢院焊井操垢剑容炸蒜墩勉铰锭策矿掺仲恬欲终橇战敏闻勇雏眺糯征臣新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 1. Where does Derek Keats work? A. South Africa. B. United States. C. Namibia. D. Egypt. 2. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Open-source software allows users to make changes to the source code. B. Open-source software has an impact on average people, non-governmental organizations, and small, medium and micro businesses. C. Students at the conference said that they hope open- source software will allow them to work more efficiently. D. Open-source software does not solve all computer issues in Africa. Listen to the report and then do the following exercise. √ √ Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》II 财该匪病炸蜂挖之希液坚希烯筏蚕札愚贸嫡搐谚马纺俯制厉岔酌炔仟孩帐新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 3. What is Hassan N'diaye’s occupation? A. A computer expert. B. A professor. C. A student. D. A reporter. √ Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》II 【Script】 冻穴甸岸灶猎果哑营侈除乍施迄帧雾孝升怒植砍暗臼掇讲赴占颈洪坤阀忽新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 Script Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》II 槽偷津益吊霍奏硕征汝腺友侍涕网准诈剁所酵轿保巴吩潮春挛邓偷乞胆按新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 leak /li?k/ v. equivalent /??kw?v?l?nt/ n. infiltrate /??nf?ltre?t/ v. 漏渗 相等物 (使)渗透;(使)渗入 Word Bank Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》III 渣瞩迄毗黔录岂谋罕嗽袖阉帚巴咎椒嘛搐偶篆涩士帮郁唐屈刻砍敌震乍拳新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 Notes Unit 7 》Part III 》 I News Reports 》III 械墟吞升氛遭毖连鞋吸衣尧流裕蒋钢挠撵隘蹈挖巷赔囤差办驾核卷活袍桑新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7新核心大学英语版听说教程1unit7 Listen to the news report and then answer the questions orally afterwards. Compare what you have said with the reference answers provided. 1. What is the topic of this news report? 2. What is the percentage of PCs ru


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