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毕 业 论 文
学生姓名: 袁洪武 学 号:
学 院: 土木工程与力学学院
专业年级: 2008工程力学
题 目: 三维圆管流动状况的数值模拟分析
指导教师: 蒋光彪 副教授
评阅教师: 余 敏 讲 师
2012年 5 月
摘 要
关键词 FLUENT;光滑圆管;湍流;层流;雷诺数;数值模拟
Title The numerical simulation and analysis of the flow in the 3D round tube
In engineering and life, circular pipe flow is the most common and the simplest flow, and it contains two flow conditions-aminar and turbulent. Reynolds number is used to distinguish the fluid state criterion. This paper is to simulate study of three-dimensional pipe laminar and turbulent flow by Fluent software, which mainly makes analysis on the velocity distribution and the pressure distribution .
First, establish physical model in the Gambit, respectively, set straight circular pipe and 90 degree bend pipe physical model, and then, mesh. Selecting liquid flow equation of mass conservation, momentum conservation equation and energy conservation equation of laminar flow and turbulent flow, we can, respectively, use 3 different entrance velocity to make simulation analysis of 3D pipe internal fluid. In Fluent software , this paper expresses the different velocity of laminar and turbulent flow in pipe flow condition in an intuitive way, discussing pattern and characteristics under different flow, and verifies the accuracy of the numerical results through several theoretical method.
Results show that the numerical results are Conformed to the theory datas of Laminar and turbulent flow .
Keywords: Fluent; Smooth pipe; Turbulent flow; Lamin
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