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山西大同 我的家乡---一座古朴与现代兼容的城市, 欢迎来山西大同做客 My hometown is in datong shanxi, a primitive and modern compatible city, welcome to visit datong shanxi 美丽的城市、善良的人们、美味的食物以及众多的名胜古迹,历史名城,天下大同!欢迎您! Beautiful city, good people, delicious food and numerous scenic spots and historical sites, historic city, all the datong!!!!! Welcome you! In the past, people living conditions is very poor, live in a very small bungalow, winding alleys is very narrow, deep muddy dirt road always dust float in the sky, traffic jams, in addition, buy things can only go very far of the place, and often can‘t buy things they want. Now, everything is not exist, a place of tall buildings have sprung up; The dirt road had hours without trace and become a smooth flat asphalt road, incessant vehicles on the road to come and go; Supermarket, shops have a variety of things to find, which brought great convenience to the life of people 过去,人们生活条件很差,住着非常矮的平房,蜿蜒曲折的小巷很窄,泥泞不堪的土路总是尘土飞扬,交通堵塞,另外,买东西只能去很远的地方,而且经常买不到自己想要的东西。    现在,一切问题都不存在了,一座座的高楼大厦拔地而起;那些土路早已小时得无影无踪;变成了光滑平坦的沥青大道,马路上川流不息的车辆来来往往;超市、商店的东西琳琅满目、应有尽有,给人们的生活带来了极大的方便 过去对家乡的了解 多少年来,我就知道大同出煤,煤的质量特别好,看了介绍和上网查询,对大同有了进一步的了解,以后抽时间一定亲自看一看,感受大同的魅力,领略一下大同这文明古老和朝气蓬勃的明城。 For many years, I know the datong coal, coal quality is very good, see the introduction and Internet inquiries, to further understanding of datong, feel the charm of datong, appreciating the beauty of datong,,which is an ancient civilization and energetic city. 大同的美丽 那里景色秀丽,尤其是古老的云岗石窟和应县木塔,吸引了许多游客来这里观光。   大同的煤矿很有名,传遍全国各地。那里的特产有杏脯,酸酸的、甜甜的,味道很好,人们都喜欢吃。   家乡的变化真大,以前古老的平房,现在变成了高大的楼房,人们的生活水平提高了许多。我想以后家乡会变得更好。   瞧!这就是我的家乡。 大同的美丽 大同的煤矿很有名,传遍全国各地。 The datong coal mine is very famous, spread all over the country. 那里的特产有杏脯,酸酸的、甜甜的,味道很好,人们都喜欢吃。 There are special apricots, very sour, sweet, flavour is right, people like to eat it. 家乡的变化真大,以前古老的平房,现在变成了高大的楼房,人们的生活水平提高了许多。 The home really take big changes, whichbefore wasthe old bungalow, now has become a tall buildin


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