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升金湖湿地土地利用生态风险评价模型研究 摘要:湿地是地球生态环境的重要组成部分,影响着人类的生存和发展,因此对湿地的土地利用进行生态风险评价具有重要的意义。本文根据安徽省升金湖湿地1986,2002和2011年三期TM 遥感影像, 利用ERDAS,ARCGIS等软件,结合升金湖湿地土地利用现状,采用人机交互法对影像进行监督分类,将升金湖湿地分成建设用地、草地、耕地、林地、水域、未利用地、交通用地和园地八个地类,并统计各土地利用类型的面积。用层次分析和模糊数学法建立土地利用生态风险评价模型,计算土地利用生态风险指数,指数越高则风险越大。结果表明,升金湖湿地土地利用生态风险等级为中级,1986-2011年,土地利用生态风险增强。其中,核心区的土地利用生态风险指数相对较低,但呈逐渐增强趋势;实验区的土地利用生态风险指数较大,缓冲区的土地利用生态风险指数变化明显,土地利用生态风险较严重。 关键词: 湿地,土地利用,生态风险,评价模型,升金湖 The Research on Ecological Risk Assessment in Land Use Model of Shengjin Lake Abstract:Wetland is an important part of the earth ecological environmentnfluences human’s survival and development, so, the wetland ecological risk assessment is of great significance. In the paper,three periods (1986, 2002 and 2011) of TM remote sensing images of Shengjin Lake have been selected. Using ERDAS and ARCGIS software technology, combining the reality of Shengjin lake wetland land utilization and making Shengjin lake wetland into construction land, grassland, cultivated land, forest land, water and unused land, traffic land and garden plot to eight parts by adopting the method of man-machine interaction for supervised classification image, using the statistical software of land use type area at the same time. Using the hierarchical analysis and fuzzy mathematics method of land use to build ecological risk assessment model, draw up the Shengjin lake ecological risk index of land use, the higher the index is, the higher the risk is. The results shows that the overall risk of Shengjin lake wetland for intermediate, from 1986 to 2011, ecological risk index higher, Risk to enhance. Among them, The core of ecological risk is low, but it also trends to increase gradually; Experimental area of ecological risk value is bigger, Buffer ecological risk value change is obvious and ecological risk is serious. Key words: Wetland; The Land Use; Ecological Risk; Evaluation Model; Shengjin Lake 0引言 湿地是价值和生产力最强的生态系统之一,湿地的水资源丰富,土壤肥沃,还具有生物和矿产资源,我国湿地总面积约为3848万hm2。近年来由于人类


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