
本科毕业设计__对房地产评估方法的研究 .doc

本科毕业设计__对房地产评估方法的研究 .doc

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厦门大学 硕士学位论文 对房地产评估方法的研究 姓名:陈丽丽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:资产评估 指导教师:陈惠峰 内容摘要 在现行房地产评估中,主要使用的为市场比较法、收益法和成本法三大方法, 这三种方法有着不同的使用范围和理论依据,其考虑的因素各不相同,得出的评 估结果也不完全相同。 虽然市场比较法、收益法与成本法已经成为房地产评估的三 大基本方法,但 是这三种方法仍存在不准确或不明确的地方,而这些直接影响了房地产评估价格 的准确度。本文从房地产评估的三大基本方法入手,结合相应的案例,对市场比 较法、收益法与成本法的使用过程进行了一定的分析。此外,本文针对市场比较 法中涉及的因素,提出了对区域因素与个别因素的因子应根据不同的权重进行测 算;对收益法中收益额与还原利率的选取进行了分析,指出还原利率以市场法中 的间接法与投资组合法得出的最为准确;对成本法中利润率和投资利息率进行了 分析,提出对自建房地产与开发商建筑的房地产,应采用不同的利润率,并提出 对投资利息应按照自有资金与贷款资金两部分计算。 在最后,本文对土地评估方法中的基准地价系数修正法、标准宗地法与路线 价法进行了分析,指出路线价法由于路线价法则的多样性,会造成评估结果的不 准确性。 关键词:房地产评估;市场比较法;收益法:成本法 Abstract In nowadays,people use three approaches that are manet comparison approach, income approach and cost approach to evaluate real estate,these three approaches have different range and rely their evaluating results on different theories,they consider different factors,and even are different. Though manet comparison approach,income approach and cost approach have been the basic approaches in real estate appraisal,there are still some places that are inaccurate or undefined,these places give wrong affect to the veracity of the evaluating cases, price.The article starts with the three approaches,combines with some relevant and to gives some analysis to their using process.Furthermore,the article pays attention market comparison approach’S affect factors,points that there should be different proportion among genes in district factors and individual factors.In income approach, the article analyzes the income and deoxidize rate,points that deoxidize rate should be in order of indirect method article and invest combination method.In cost approach,the analyzes profit margin and investment interest rate,points that the profit margin or between real estate built by livers businessmen should be different,and or invest interest should be accounted according to capital provided by builder by loans. Key words:real estate appraisal;market comparison approach;income approach



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