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创新思想的起源和创造活动的过程特征 自动化专业概论 主 讲:黄从智 办 公 室:主楼E0521 电 话 Email:hcz190@ 解答如下问题: 1,自动化的历史 、现在和未来 ? 2,自动化的研究内容、应用领域? 3,自动化专业的学习内容、就业前景? 4,如何学好自动化专业? 主要内容-Content 绪 论 自动化发展简史 自动控制系统专题 自动化专题 工业自动化专题 火电厂自动化专题 自动化专业专题 自动化展望及复习 第二讲 自动化发展简史 古代自动化装置 古希腊水钟 古希腊水钟原理 铜壶滴漏-中国古代自动计时装置 铜壶滴漏 指南车-自动指示方向 科学、技术与工程 科学、技术与工程 科学、技术与工程 科学、技术与工程 科学、技术与工程 科学、技术与工程 三峡水电站工程 系统与控制 系统与控制 系统与控制 反馈、调节与决策 反馈、调节与决策 反馈、调节与决策 控制论的奠基人 IFAC’s AIMS Promote control science and technology Advance international collaboration Stimulate research, development and application of automatic control and systems engineering Promote dissemination and exchange of information Stimulate improvement and extension of education IFAC IFAC EVENTS World Congresses Symposia (the Technical Board defines the Masterplan) Conferences Workshops IFAC Awards IFAC Fellows The IFAC Fellow Award is given annually to persons who have made outstanding and extra-ordinary contributions in the field of interest of IFAC, in the role as an Engineer/Scientist, Technical Leader, or Educator. The first Fellows were elected at the IFAC World Congress in Prague in July 2005. IFAC Fellows The persons distinguished in 2005 were B.D.O. Anderson, J. Ackermann, K.J. Astr?m, M. Araki, T. Basar, L. Basanez. J. Benes, J. Bernussou, R.Bitmead. E.J. Davison, J. Gertler, G. Goodwin, R. Isermann, A. Isidori, S. Kahne, P. Kokotovic, H. Kwakernaak, L. Ljung, M. Mansour, C. Nett, A. Niemi, W. Powers, J.A. de la Puente, Y. Sawaragi, W. Schaufelberger, G. Stein, M. Thoma, P. Uronen, T. Vamos, F. L. Xiong In 2006, the following persons were elected IFAC Fellows P. Albertos, M. Athans, J. Balchen, H.F. Chen, S. Engell, W. Findeisen, K. Furuta, M. Gevers, G. Guardabassi, D. Hrovat, P. Ioannou, M. Masten, D. Mayne, T. McAvoy, B. Polyak, T. Soederstroem In 2007, the following persons were elected IFAC Fellows F. Allgoewer, J. Cruz, J.


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