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    重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中日中小企业融资渠道机制比较与对我国中小企业融资的展望 学生姓名: 申甜田 学 号:指导教师: 冉戎 年级专业: 2011级国际经济与贸易(二专) 重庆大学公共管理学院 二O一五年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University   Comparison Between China and Japan SME Financing Mechanism and Prospects For China's SME 窗体底端 窗体底端 Undergraduate: Shen Tian tian Student Number:Supervisor:Prof. Rang Rong Major: International Economy and Trade College of Public Administration of Chonqing University June 2015 摘 要 中小企业(以下简称SME)在我国国民经济中作用很重要,它对减少失业率和促进经济发展都具有重要作用。但在融资上却处于极为不利的处境。如何破解这个瓶颈,越来越成为学界,政府和业界普遍关注,并期待早日解决的问题。日本SME发达,是它跻身世界经济强国的重要驱动力量。日本有着一套完善的制度和政策法律支持SME发展,日本是全世界SME融资扶持体系建设最好和SME最发达的国家之一,参考它们的做法,我国在这方面还可以有所进步。因此,本文试图通过将我国中小企业融资渠道与日本中小企业融资渠道进行比较,找到扩宽和完善我国SME取得资金的渠道的对策。本文主要是比较中日两国的SME的融资渠道机制的差异,通过介绍日本对SME发展和融资的支持措施,包括制度,法律和机构建设和完善,发现我国SME融资渠道机制的还存在的问题,并找到对我国的参考建议。 关键字: 中日两国,融资渠道机制,比较和借鉴,展望 ABSTRACT SME(in the next part ,we referred to it as SME) plays a very important role in our national economy, and has an important role in reducing unemployment and promoting its economic development. But its financing is at a very bad situation. How to break this bottleneck has increasingly become academic, government and industry generally concern and look forward to an early resolution of the issue. Japan SME development, is an important driving forces for its ranking among the world's economic powers. Japan has a sound legal system and policies to support SME development, Japan is one of the countries which has the best SME financing system and the most developed SME , China in this regard can also make progress. Therefore, this article attempts by the Small Enterprise Financing SME financing and comparing our country with Japan , to find a way to broaden and improve our SME strategies to obtain funding channels. This article is mainly by the comparison between China and Japan SME financing mechanism, and through th


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