Uni的t 9 Festivals.doc

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Unit 9 Festivals Teaching Objectives: How to talk about Festivals Grammar : the present and past perfect tense Practical writing: how to write greeting cards Theme: a story about Christmas Teaching Difficulties: intend electricity decoration pack actually merry complete bored flaming along with do with keep……from Teaching steps 1st class :⑴Warm-up questions ⑵study of the new words and expressions in Text A 2nd class:study of Text A ; Do getting the messages 3rd class:Do the exercises about the text A 4th class:⑴ study of Text B ⑵ comprehensive exercises 5th class: Group Discussion 6th class: Grammar and Exercises check 1st and 2nd class Warm-up questions Question 1: Have you ever celebrated Christmas ? How was the celebration like ? Ask the students to recall the most memorable Christmas they have had and share their experiences with the class. Question 2: Do you have any idea how Christmas is celebrated in Western countries ? Hint Date : December 25th , but the Christmas holiday usually starts from the night before , Christmas Eve and lasts one or two weeks . Specialties : well-decorated Christmas trees; Father Christmas ( Santa Clause ) Special food : roast turkey , plum pudding or pumpkin pie The list of popular festivals in China and the West : Saint Valentine’s Day 情人节 Easter 复活节 April Fool’s Day 愚人节 Halloween 万圣节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 Spring Festival 春节 Lantern Festival 元宵节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 New words in Text A Christmas n. 圣诞节 It is the day on which to celebrate the birth of Christ(基督) 2.electricity n. 电 e.g. Can you imagine our life without electricity ? electric adj. 电的,导电的,电动的(被修饰物本身可带电) electric fan 电扇 electric generator 发电机 electric shock 触电 electrical adj. 电的,有关电的(被修饰的物体本身不带电) electrical engineer 电力工程师 electrical apparatus 电器 electrical fa



