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论第三方支付的风险及风险控制——以支付宝为例摘要21世纪,互联网及其相关技术飞速发展,电子商务已经走进了人们的生活。电子商务的发展极大的带动了网上支付的繁荣。第三方网上支付已经成为网上支付的主要形式,成为了B2C和C2C方面的主要支付模式。用户在选择第三方支付软件时不仅考虑便捷性,更会考虑信用和安全的因素。第三方网上支付方式作为我国信用体系缺位的补位产物收到了各方的关注,其焦点集中在其风险方面。所以,第三方网上支付的风险控制也已经成了当务之急。据数据统计,截止到2013年,我国电子商务交易金融已经达到了4.35亿万元,相比2012年,同比增长了46.8%。电子商务的迅猛发展带动了第三方支付的发展,第三方支付业务在我国全面展开仅仅只有几年的时间,第三方支付已经融入到我们生活中了,但是到目前为止还没有针对第三方支付形成比较完善的法律体系,但是我国的网络支付以电子商务为背景而发展,第三方支付的风险要远远超出与传统支付方式的风险。如果第三方网络支付出现问题、发生风险,可能会影响到金融行业的安全与稳定。关键词:支付宝第三方支付平台风险风险控制电子商务Theory of Pay Treasure of Risk and Risk Management——With PayPal as an ExampleAbstractSummary in 21st century, the rapid development of the Internet and related technologies, e-commerce has entered peoples lives. Development of e-commerce driven Internet boom. Third party online payment has become the primary form of online payment, became major B2C and C2C payments model. When selecting a third-party payment software users not only convenience, more credit and security factors to be considered. Third party online payment methods as the absence of Chinas credit system covering product has received attention, its focus on its risks. So, third-party online payment risk control has become a priority. According to statistics, as of 2013, Chinas e-commerce finance have reached 435 million Yuan, compared to 2012, an increase of 46.8%. E-commerce of rapid development led has third party paid of development, third party paid business in China full expand just only years of time, third party paid has into to we life in the has, but to currently weizhi also no for third party paid formed compared perfect of legal system, but China of network paid to e-commerce for background and development, third party paid of risk to far beyond and traditional paid way of risk. If a third party online payment problems, the risk could affect the security and stability of the financial sector.Key words: Pay Treasurethe Third Party Payment PlatformRiskRisk Controlthe Electronic Commerce目录摘要IAbstractII1 前言11.1 本研究的目的与意义11.2


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