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1. Kiwifruit Kiwifruit is the edible berry of a large vine native to China. And its original name was gooseberry. The kiwifruit is about the size of a hen’s egg, with a usually fuzzy, brown skin covering an emerald-green pulp. The kiwifruit’s flavor is distinctive, but somewhat similar to that of strawberry because of its sweet-tart taste. Kiwifruit is rich in Vitamin C and averages between 50 to 60 calories per fruit. Kiwi vines are either male or female, and for maximum fruit production they are planted 150 to 200 vines per acre in a ratio of 8 female to 1male. In the 1950’s, New Zealand began to plant kiwifruit on a large sale. At that time, New Zealand exporters rejected the old name, Chinese Gooseberry, as unmarketable, so they capitalized on the fruit’s fanciful resemblance to the Kiwi, a small flightless bird with brown hairlike plumage native to New Zealand, and changed the name to the more attractive name of “kiwifruit.” In this way, they also artfully identified the fruit with New Zealand. 【90臺灣區】 kiwifruit n. 奇異果 edible adj. 可食用的 vine n. 藤 native adj. 土產的出生地的 gooseberry n. 醋栗 fuzzy adj. 毛茸茸的 adj. 翠綠色的 n. 果肉 adj. 有特色的與眾不同的 adj. 酸的 富含 n. 卡路里(熱量單位) n. 最大量的 比 on a large scale 大範圍地 reject v. 拒絕 capitalize v. 利用 fanciful adj. 花俏的 resemblance n. 相似 plumage n. 全身羽毛 identify (with~) v. 使其有關聯 feed on 以~為主食 2. Sleep Sleep is a basic human need, as basic as the need for oxygen. Getting a good night’s sleep is not only directly related to how we feel the next day, but to our long-term health as well. Still, many of us suffer from at least occasional insomnia. Even more of us report at least one night of restless sleep per week that leaves us feeling ill and irritable. This is a serious problem. If you think otherwise, consider this. People who sleep four hours or less per night are twice as likely not to survive in six years as those who sleep the normal eight hours or so. Given


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