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Regulations for Navigational Safety Administration of Huangpu River in Shanghai Proclamation about the Implementation of “Regulations for Ship’s Routeing Systems of Yangtze River in Shanghai Section” and “Regulations for Navigation Traffic Safety Administration of Huangpu River in Shanghai” “Regulations for Ship’s Routeing Systems of Yangtze River in Shanghai Section” and “Regulations for Navigation Traffic Safety Administration of Huangpu River in Shanghai” will be into effect as of the data March 1st, 2006. Every related vessels navigating in the water adapting to the regulation shall strictly observe the Regulations above and act in accordance with the supervision of the local maritime administration. The Ministry of Communication of the People’s Republic of China 上海黄浦江通航安全管理规定第一章 总则Chapter 1 General 第条为维护上海黄浦江交通秩序,改善黄浦江通航环境,保障船舶、设施和人命财产安全,依据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》等有关法律、法规和规章,制定本规定。第二条 本规定中所称的黄浦江,是指从吴淞口灯塔浦东界标线闵行发电厂上游边界漕港上线之间的水域。boundline of Huangpu River) to the joint line connecting the upstream borderline of Minhang Power Plant and the upper corner of Jucao Quay (the upstream borderline of Jucao Quay). 第三条 本规定适用于在黄浦江从事航行、停泊和作业以及其他航行安全的活动。第条中华人民共和国上海海事局是实施本规定的主管机关。4 Shanghai Safety Administration of People’s Republic of China (Shanghai MSA) is the competent authority for these Regulations. 第五条 黄浦江实行大小船分流、各自靠右航行分道通航原则。 5 Separation schemes for large vessels and small vessels respectively, the principle of keeping as near to the out limit of channel and fairway which lies on her starboard side and traffic separation schemes are adapted in the Huangpu River. 第六条禁止黄浦江捕捞作业。第条禁止挂浆机船在航行、停泊和作业。第条游艇、游览船、体育运动船艇等除遵守本规定外,还应当遵守主管机关的特别规定。 第二章 航 行Chapter 2 Navigation 第条黄浦江主航道供拖轮船队和500总吨及以上或船长50米及以上的船舶双向航行。黄浦江辅航道供500总吨以下船长50米以下的船舶单向航行。 黄浦江特殊航道供船舶双向航行。主管机关特殊航道遵守第条 船舶在规定的航道内航行时,应尽可能靠近其右舷的航道行驶。 船舶在规定的航道内航行时,应。. Vessels shall keep enough safe distance with buoys in the prescriptive channel. 第条 大型船舶航行应人员在船了望并备锚。1 A proper look-out should be



