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擦 法 Scrubbing Manipulation 概念 Concept 以手掌掌面小鱼际 或大鱼际为着力面,在治疗部位沿直线进行往返摩擦的方法,谓之擦法。 The manipulation of rubbing and scrubbing the therapeutic part of and fro a straight line with the operator’s palmarface,minor or major thenar eminance is called scrubbing manipulation . 分类 Classification 根据着力部位不同,本法可分为掌擦法、小鱼际擦法和大鱼际擦法三种。 According to the different operating parts,this manipulation can be divided into three types:plam-scrubbing,minor-thenar scrubbing and major-thenar scrubbing. 动作结构 Structure of Operation 本法操作时,术者多取战势。预备姿势为:沉肩、垂肘,掌擦时,前臂内侧与治疗部位相对,腕掌与五指伸直,以全掌附着在治疗部位;小鱼际擦时,前臂取中立位,腕掌与手指用力伸直,五指并拢,以小鱼际着力;大鱼际擦时,前臂取旋前位,掌面朝下,拇指与第一掌骨内收,以隆起的大鱼际肌腹附着在治疗部位。 In the operation of this manipulation ,the operator is usually in a standing position.the preparatory is as follows:the operator lows his shoulder,drops his elbow. In Palm-scrubbing manipulation, with the medial aspect of his forearm facing the therapeutic part,he extends his wrist,palm,thumb and fingers straightly with his whole palm pressing closely on the terapeutic part,in minor-thenar scrubbing manipulation, his forearm is in a moderately erccting position,he extends his wrist,palm and fingersn straightly and puts his fingers together,and rubs the therapeutic part with minor thenar force. In major-thenar scrubbing manipulation, his forearm is in the prone position,with his palm facing downwards,his thumb and first metacarpal bone abducted,and the protuberant muscular belly of major thenar eminance closely applied to the therapeutic part. 注意事项 Precaution 本法的动作幅度要大,使推擦的部位尽量的拉长。在操作过程中,着力面始终与受术部位的皮肤贴紧,用力均匀适中。 This manipulation should be operated within a large range, and the operator should try to lengthen the distance of pushing and scrubbing. During the operation, the operating part should be kept close to the skin of the therapeutic region, and the rubbing force should be even and moderate. 本法 在操作时受术部位要充分暴露,开始几次推擦宜缓和稍慢,以后速度可稍快。每次治疗以局部发热为度,操作次数不宜 太多,时间也不应长,


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