中医学对女性更年期的 认识及其治疗进展.ppt

中医学对女性更年期的 认识及其治疗进展.ppt

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中医学对女性更年期的 认识及其治疗进展.ppt

Irregular menstruation (月经失调) Shuguang hospital affiliated to shanghai TCM university Doctor: zhang qin hua contents Definition Classification Pathogenesis Key points of syndrome differentiation Examples :Treatments on the types of syndrome differentiation menstruation Cycle: 21-35d Last: 3-7 d Quanitity: 50-80ml Texture: no clot Definition Cycle irregulation: Quantity irregulation TCM Cause emotional factors Exogenous: cold \Heat\Dampness Improper Life style Multiparity Excessive sexual life Improper diet Congenital weakness Cause of west medicine hormonal imbalances Stress a bleeding disorder fibroids polyps endometriosis medication Another factors Normal adolescence Perimenopause /Menopause Weight gain /Weight loss Vegetarian diet intensive exercise Pathogenesis Treatment regulating Qi and blood nourishing the kidney strengthening the spleen dispersing the stagnation of liver Qi Different treatment on different time Before menstruation: focuses on the root aspect :asthenia or sthenia During menstruation: concentrates on the branch aspect : stop pain, active blood,regulation menses ,etc After menstruation: emphasizes on the regulation of the spleen and stomach as well as that of Qi and Blood. Key points according to cycle or quantity Menses increase type Increase in the quantity or time or frequency Menses decrease type Decrease in the quantity or time of frequency Irregular menses Key points according to color or texture Color: Bright red\dark red heat Pink /light red asthenia Dark black cold Light dark asthenia cold Texture Sticky heat(yang excess) Thin asthenia\cold Clot stasis Complications (heat\cold\sthenia\asthenia) prognosis Depeng on The long or short of history The strong or weakness of constitution In time or delayed in therapy Examples: 2004.4.14 Mrs Ren, 28 year-old, married, worker Main symptoms: early menstruation for more than one ye


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