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第4章 TMS320C54x的软件开发 C54系列 默认的DSP/BIOS 存储器段名称 The default DSP/BIOS memory segment names for the c54x DSP platform are: Segment Description IDATA Internal (on-chip) data memory EDATA Primary block of external data memory EDATA1 Secondary block of external data memory (not contiguous with EDATA) IPROG Internal (on-chip) program memory EPROG Primary block of external program memory EPROG1 Secondary block of external program memory (not contiguous with EPROG) USERREGS Page 0 user memory (28 words) BIOSREGS Page 0 reserved registers (4 words) VECT Interrupt vector segment You can change the origin, size, and name of the default memory segments, with the exception of IDATA and IPROG, using the Configuration Tool. The Configuration Tool templates define the following default memory sections: Segment Sections IDATA System Stack Memory (.stack) BIOS Heap Memory EDATA Application Argument Memory (.args) Application Constants Memory (.const) BIOS Data Memory (.sysdata) IPROG BIOS Program Memory (.bios) EPROG BIOS Startup Code Memory (.sysinit) You can change these default allocations by setting MEM manager properties in the Configuration Tool. (2) 编写example.asm,.def start是用来定义语句标号start的汇编伪指令,start是源程序.text段开头的标号,供其他文件引用。 (3) 分别对两个源文件进行汇编, example.asm和vectors.asm →example.obj和vectors.obj. (4) 编写链接命令文件example.cmd。 链接example.obj和vectors.obj →输出文件example.out, →映像文件example.map 假设目标存储器的配置如下: 程序存储器 EPROM E000h~FFFh(片内) 数据存储器 SPRAM 0060h~007Fh(片内) DARAM 0080h~017Fh(片内) 穆骏胸眷称愈吵锑围鱼壶仆硼骤越言械搽赔莹邢百销畸孪戳儿钾霄柠少娱第4章软件开发第4章软件开发 【例4.10】 链接命令文件example.cmd. vectors.obj example.obj -o example.out -m example.map -e start MEMORY { PAGE0: EPROM: org=0E000h, len=100h VECS: org=0FF80h


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