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温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 随堂训练 1   What do a volunteer and a tourist have in common? 1 . But can you be a volunteer and a tourist at the same 2 ? Absolutely. Voluntourism—a trend combining volunteering with tourism—is becoming more and more 3 , with more and more people looking for opportunities to 4 others while visiting interesting places. Many organizations in the world 5 voluntouring projects. Earthwatch, for example, is a non-profit organization focusing on bringing science to life for those 6 about the Earth’s future. It offers opportunities for people to 7 their teams of scientists on a diverse range of projects. It has also set up “teen teams” whereby young people aged 16 to 17 can 8 with, and learn from leading scientists. On the other hand, Habitat for Humanity, a voluntary agency well known for 9 houses for the homeless, has developed a voluntouring package for participants to help out in their projects across the world. They provide 10 housing for the poor. Jimmy Carter, the former president of the USA, is a regular 11 in Habitat for Humanity projects. You don’t have to 12 building skills to be part of its volunteering team; you can give a hand 13 you know how to hold a paintbrush or a hammer. But just like in any other 14 , there are always black sheep that exploit(利用)the 15 of voluntourists. They may come up with phoney(虚假的)programs. Would-be voluntourists should therefore be 16 and check out the organizations before 17 their programs. It is not 18 , though, to figure out which organizations are genuine and which are phoney. Genuine voluntourism operators have long-term goals and they 19 assess the success of their projects. These are the ones that you can 20 if you are thinking of a voluntour for your next vacation. 1. A. Nothing          B. Anything C. Something D. Everything 2. A. stage     B. age     C. level      D. time 3. A. useful B. popular C. important D. promising 4. A. know B. c


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