
《硬盘数据恢复技术》田善杰 08信安3-1.doc

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毕业论文 题 目: 硬盘数据恢复技术解析 姓 名: 田善杰 系 别: 软件工程系 年 级: 2008 专业班级: 08信息安全3-1班 指导教师: 黄 奇 深圳信息职业技术学院教务处编 硬盘数据恢复技术解析 摘 要 硬盘是计算机系统中信息资源最重要的储存设备,其所存放的信息资源的价值往往要远高于硬盘产品的自身价值。随着硬盘的日益小型化和储存容量的不断增大,在硬盘上的软件系统和数据信息也更加复杂化和大型化。近年来新型硬盘无论在储存容量、速度和可靠性上都有了飞速的发展,各类硬盘新技术层出不穷,先进技术的注入使得计算机的硬件故障大为降低。相反地,随着微机系统软件和应用软件的大型化和复杂化,计算机的软件故障呈上升趋势,计算机的故障主要来源于硬盘系统,“救活一个硬盘,也就救活了一套微机系统。” 数据是计算机信息系统中最重要的资源,但由于各种原因造成数据丢失或损坏经常发生,其损失不可估计。因此,研究数据恢复技术是十分必要的。本文将从数据在硬盘中的存储结构和原理入手,通过对硬盘数据各级组织结构以及硬盘数据丢失原因的分析,阐述数据恢复的理论基础,并对硬盘数据恢复提供一些解决方案,从而对硬盘数据恢复技术进行了初步的探究。 关键词: HYPERLINK /WebForms/WebDefines.aspx?searchword=%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e7%b3%bb%e7%bb%9f \t _blank 文件系统; HYPERLINK /WebForms/WebDefines.aspx?searchword=%e6%95%b0%e6%8d%ae%e6%81%a2%e5%a4%8d \t _blank 数据恢复; HYPERLINK /WebForms/WebDefines.aspx?searchword=%e6%95%b0%e6%8d%ae%e4%bf%9d%e6%8a%a4 \t _blank 数据保护 Abstract Computer system hard drive is the most important information resources in storage, its information resources stored value products tend to be much higher than the hard drive of their own values.With the increasing miniaturization of hard drive and storage capacity increasing, the hard disk of software systems and data information is also more complex and larger.Recent years in terms of hard disk storage capacity, speed and reliability have made rapid development of emerging new technologies, various types of hard drives, advanced technology makes the computers hardware fault injection greatly reduced. On the contrary, with the computer system software and application software for larger and more complex, computer software failure is rising, Mainly from the failure of a computer hard drive system, save a hard drive, also save a set of computer systems. Computer information systems data is the most important resources, but the data caused by various reasons frequently lost or damaged, its loss unpredictable, and th



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