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野牦牛 野牦牛又叫野牛,藏名音译亚归。是家牦牛的野生同类,典型的高寒动物,性极耐寒。青藏高原特有牛种,国家一级 HYPERLINK /view/1225385.htm \t _blank 保护动物。分布于青海、 HYPERLINK /view/2684.htm \t _blank 西藏、 HYPERLINK /view/2824.htm \t _blank 新疆南部、甘肃西北部和 HYPERLINK /view/7627.htm \t _blank 四川西部等地。栖息于 HYPERLINK /view/36833.htm \t _blank 海拔3000 —6000米的 HYPERLINK /view/806284.htm \t _blank 高山草甸地带,人迹罕至的高山大峰、 HYPERLINK /view/1116512.htm \t _blank 山间盆地、高寒草原、高寒 HYPERLINK /view/224176.htm \t _blank 荒漠草原等各种环境中。 Wild Yak Wild yak is also named wild ox, and the Tibetan pronunciation is Yagui, which is of the same species with domesticated yak. As a typical alpine animal which can endure extreme cold, it is a first class national protected animal unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Located in Qinghai, Tibet, southern Xinjiang, northwestern Gansu, western Sichuan and other places. It inhabits the alpine meadow strips at an altitude of 3000-6000 meters, inaccessible mountains and large peaks, mountain basins, alpine grasslands, alpine deserts, etc. 藏野驴 藏野驴,青藏高原特有种,国家一级保护动物。体形酷似驴、马杂交而产的骡子,因尾稍似马尾,所以有人又称其为“野马”。该物种为高原型动物,栖居于海拔3600米至5400米的地带、群居生活,对寒冷、日晒和风雪均具有极强的耐受力,多半由5、6头组成小群,大的群体在10数头,最大群体可达上百头,小群由一头雄驴率领,营游移生活。 Tibetan Wild Ass Tibetan wild ass is a first class national protected animal unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Since its physical form resembles a mule, the hybrid of an ass and a horse, and its tail is slightly like a horsetail, it was also known as “wild horse”. As a plateau-type animal, the species inhabit socially the altitude of 3600-5400 meters, which can endure extreme cold, sunlight, wind and snow. Most of the groups they live in maintain a capacity of 5-6 members, while large groups are of 10 members, and the largest groups even go up to a hundred. The small groups are usually led by a male ass in migratory life. 狼 狼外形和 HYPERLINK /view/719927.htm \t _blank 狼狗相似,但吻略尖长,口稍宽阔,耳竖立不曲。尾挺直状下垂;毛色棕灰。栖息范围广,适应性强,凡山地、林区、草原、荒漠、半沙漠以至冻原均有狼群生存。狼既耐热,又不畏严寒,夜间活动。嗅觉敏锐,听觉良好。性残忍而机警,极善奔跑,常采用穷追方式获得猎物。杂食性,主要以鹿类、羚羊、兔等为食,有时亦吃昆虫、野果或盗食猪、羊等。能耐饥,亦可盛饱。在青藏高原


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