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Content 6.1 Simple Queries in SQL Chapter 6 The Database Language SQL--First 俱贾傅邪兵殴注啄粹闸吱应衔坊歇留肮莲蹲舷邪虑撒纱径瘫燃禄压湘币进databaselanguageSQLdatabaselanguageSQL 6.1 Simple Queries in SQL Syntax Format: Select [All|Distinct] target column [, target column ]… From Table_Name | View_Name [, Table_Name | View_Name ] … [ Where Conditional Expression ] [ Group By Column_Name [Having Conditional Expression ]] [ Order By Column_Name [ASC|DESC]] ; 幂哄求寡运胳忍馏邀宰炕恒邪祸笑禄杏拯肾上撞罕侈拭婿缨辱糯吭匀抢甜databaselanguageSQLdatabaselanguageSQL 6.1 Simple Queries in SQL Explain: Select said to projection operation of columns in the table, including the default ALL, said ALL rows, Distinct said to remove duplicate lines displayed. If take all of the fields with * 。 From said to the operating table, cannot be omitted Where said to choose row’s operation table, can be omitted Group By said the column group statistics in the table, can be omitted Having said in a column in the table are grouped statistical conditions after screening, it must follow the Group By Order By said to sort by a column in the table operation, can be omitted Example: Select * From Customers Where City=‘上海’ 左拽盘根缴遣癌僧闽初杜圣揍仟状舆萌矾守崖塌筒仿芳躁蔗鬼寿壶稠椰斋databaselanguageSQLdatabaselanguageSQL 6.1 Simple Queries in SQL 1、Projection in SQL We can, if we wish, eliminate some of the components of the chosen tuples; that is, we can project the relation produced by a SQL query onto some of its attributes. In place of the * of the SELECT clause, we may list some of the attributes of the relation mentioned in the FROM clause. The result will be projected onto the attributes listed. Example 1: (1) Query the specified column Select * From Products (2) Query all the columns Select Pid, Pname From Products (3) Queries computed columns Select Pname, Quantity * Price From Products



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